So, of all places to gain life lessons from, a Jim Carrey movie would not be at the top of the list. However, I actually took away some pretty important tidbits from the movie "Yes Man". I don't know how it even ended up in my Netflix Queue since it's not the type of movie I would choose to watch. It had probably been sitting there for quite a while and I forgot to update the top of my queue. I would have put pretty much any of the other 50+ movies on top of this, but maybe it's a higher power intervening that prevented this. Well, I lied, I think I know the reason I picked it. Zooey Dechanel is in the movie, and of course I have a pretty big crush on her. Dark hair and bright blue eyes...enough said. So anyway, Zooey plays her usual role. Cute, Over-the-top quirky, vintage get the picture. It's amazing that she plays the same character in EVERY movie, and I still don't care. Somehow, she's just that likeable.
Zooey got me real point was the basic lesson that this movie preaches. Carrey plays a guy who basically avoids doing much of anything and he lives his boxed in monotonous life every day. He never takes risks, and basically avoids anything of a meaningful existence. It was about halfway through when I realized how much like his character I am becoming. After a series of really shitty events, including losing my job, I pretty much became a shut-in. The world and the people in it suddenly became cold and evil. I was content to sit at home and avoid any human interaction. When I do go out, it's usually with familiar people at familiar places. Nothing really happens there, it's boring but it's familiar. Eventually his character starts saying yes to everything. Every proposal, event, opportunity...yes yes yes.
I laid in bed for a while thinking about this. This is truly what I want to do for the next year; break out of the shitty world in which I have unforunately created for myself. I guess you never know what you're missing out on while you're sitting at home avoiding human contact. I started today. My friend asked me to go somewhere saturday. I normally would have said no, but I said yes. We'll see how it goes, hopefully something good comes out of it.
Zooey got me real point was the basic lesson that this movie preaches. Carrey plays a guy who basically avoids doing much of anything and he lives his boxed in monotonous life every day. He never takes risks, and basically avoids anything of a meaningful existence. It was about halfway through when I realized how much like his character I am becoming. After a series of really shitty events, including losing my job, I pretty much became a shut-in. The world and the people in it suddenly became cold and evil. I was content to sit at home and avoid any human interaction. When I do go out, it's usually with familiar people at familiar places. Nothing really happens there, it's boring but it's familiar. Eventually his character starts saying yes to everything. Every proposal, event, opportunity...yes yes yes.
I laid in bed for a while thinking about this. This is truly what I want to do for the next year; break out of the shitty world in which I have unforunately created for myself. I guess you never know what you're missing out on while you're sitting at home avoiding human contact. I started today. My friend asked me to go somewhere saturday. I normally would have said no, but I said yes. We'll see how it goes, hopefully something good comes out of it.
I love being a fav

You should be honored, I take my faves very seriously. Just so you know, partof your responsibility as a fav is showing me around once I make it out to Cali.