So, the past few weeks I have become progressively irked by a one Lil Wayne. He has bothered me, as many rappers do, for quite some time. I must say that, while I do not care for most rap music, I am also not one of those people to just dismiss rap as crap. I like some rap music, hell there was a period in my life when I mostly listened to rap and r&b. I somehow have managed to stay away from the whole hip hop scene as of late, so I didn't have much exposure to this fellow Lil Wayne. However, in recent weeks he seems to be everywhere! Every magazine I read, every TV show, every artist from across the board is singing the praises of this guy as the second coming . His album has ranked on the top of the lists for the year, and according to the "experts" is an amazing artist. The only song I could remember hearing from this dude was that Lollipop shit...which I am guessing is one of his biggest hits. I also remember staring in awe at the radio that not onll did this song make it on the air, but apparently was a top 20 hit! Once again, another rapper using that ridiculous voice effect over predictable fake drums, not to mention lyrics that may or may not have been written by a 7th grader. So, this being my only exposure up to date...I decided that maybe I had missed something. Maybe I was missing out on one of my generations great talents! That would be horrible!! So I read in Rolling Stone that Weezy, (I think thats one of his monikers) was planning on something epic...something unprecedented, something that would change music forever! WHAT IS IT???????? OMG...ITS A........rock album? oooooohhh. Right. Well not even to begin to get into the fact that there are 10,000 rock albums released every week, or the shear gall of this guy to think he could even begin to write a decent listenable rock album. How about the fact that not only did we just end the whole rock/rap era...but didn't Puff Daddy basically do this way back when with that All About the Benjamins song? (Which I actually thought was well done) I am completely lost as to what is so original and innovative about this. But, Rolling Stone says that opinions have been mixed on the first Song "Prom Queen." Hmmmmmm, so can't be too bad right? Some people like it....maybe the people who don't like this song are the people so dedicated to rap that they feel he is selling out? So I say, I will listen...I liked the Benjamins thing, maybe this will be similar. And I found this video
so um yeah, lyrics...hmm I give it a -1. Quite possibly worse than the Lollipop shit. Music, um, holy shit...seriously? Performance- Well even with a voice modifier, he is unlistenable. Thats pretty impressive. But the sure kicker, I'm sure you can guess if you watched the video...the fake guitar solo. What the fuck is going on, am I missing something here? Is this some big joke on me? How is this guy getting such props from real musicians? Is this really what rap has come too? Is it that bad, that this waste of space is actually the best that they have? Where the fuck is Coolio when you need him? I am nowhere near done talking about this douche. But I am getting sick to my stomach, I'm going...
so um yeah, lyrics...hmm I give it a -1. Quite possibly worse than the Lollipop shit. Music, um, holy shit...seriously? Performance- Well even with a voice modifier, he is unlistenable. Thats pretty impressive. But the sure kicker, I'm sure you can guess if you watched the video...the fake guitar solo. What the fuck is going on, am I missing something here? Is this some big joke on me? How is this guy getting such props from real musicians? Is this really what rap has come too? Is it that bad, that this waste of space is actually the best that they have? Where the fuck is Coolio when you need him? I am nowhere near done talking about this douche. But I am getting sick to my stomach, I'm going...
Anyway good luck with your vegan valentines!