I cannot wait to get out of this area! I know it's beating a really dead horse now, but the weather is just unbearable. I remember a friend of mine once told me that he was moving out to Cali because he gets really depressed in the winter...I think he was on to something. I think I'm far from depressed, but there is just about...
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So, I'm thinking that spending a summer at a beach city sounds like a really good idea right now. Now, common sense would say that I would try for an NJ beach, but I just don't think that is a reality. For those of you who don't live in NJ and are wondering...yes, there are a ton of guidos at the shores of NJ. Now,...
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So, of all places to gain life lessons from, a Jim Carrey movie would not be at the top of the list. However, I actually took away some pretty important tidbits from the movie "Yes Man". I don't know how it even ended up in my Netflix Queue since it's not the type of movie I would choose to watch. It had probably been sitting...
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I love being a fav

Well, this year is off to a bad start already...I typed this long blog out about my plans for 2011 and accidentally deleted the whole thing. Way to kick things off! Oh well, maybe that's God's way of telling me it was boring and self-indulgent. But it is a blog, and isn't that what a blog is supposed to be?
Ok, so the basic idea...
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Ok, so the basic idea...
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soo no i didn't buy my ticket yet bc i don't know how good i feel about traveling and going alone..bonnaroo is worth every last cent plus more..and to make 10 happen maybe you should post some pictures..just a suggestion..
Very true, I'm going to get right on that.
Does anyone else believe in the idea of losing one's mojo? Throughout the last few years of my life, I can't help but thinking about the Austin Powers movie where this happens. For months and months I will be in a funk, and want nothing to do with females...and they certainly want nothing to do with me. But then...it's like someone injects me with a...
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I think I want to start reading on a regular basis. I have been wasting many many hours watching Man Vs. Food, and Law & Order episodes. Can anyone recommend some good books? Please be gentle...I need to ease into this. My brain has shriveled into a tiny turd. Conversely, I have been shitting out large pieces of brain for weeks now. I probably should...
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If you want something simple try David Sedaris or Augusten Burroughs, maybe Laurie Notaro- all light, sarcastic funny reads. 

Isn't it a wonder how the people who are the most "religious" seem to be the ones with the least compassion/morality. I suppose that they think that all of the time they spend praying makes up for common love and consideration. It's amazing that the people who I know that do not even believe in God are the most loving. I am not advocating any...
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What you say both impresses and angers me....I am definitely with you on the main idea... Having grown up in a small town, smack in the middle of the bible belt of the South, I have seen the worst hypocrisy known to humanity.... and been accused of it myself! (after all, a girl that has tattoos, crayola hair color, sexual freedom, confidence and a brain cannot POSSIBLY be a "Real" Christian... according to the dumb ass rednecks) And some of the kindest and coolest people I know are either athiestic or have fallen away from all religious practice.
However, please do not lump all of us 'religious' people together like you have in your comment. Some people, like myself, have a deep and abiding faith, yet are also able to function in society without being an overzealous nutbag! Granted, my Christian education was extensive, logical, historical, cerebral, and taught with kindness, so I guess I am against the norm... but there are still many others of us who live by the 'eleventh commandment'.... or to love one another as He first loved us....
However, please do not lump all of us 'religious' people together like you have in your comment. Some people, like myself, have a deep and abiding faith, yet are also able to function in society without being an overzealous nutbag! Granted, my Christian education was extensive, logical, historical, cerebral, and taught with kindness, so I guess I am against the norm... but there are still many others of us who live by the 'eleventh commandment'.... or to love one another as He first loved us....

My chances of using my that sewing machine for it's actual purpose is very slim since I have no idea how to use one to begin with haha. You can buy replacement bents for them still online. I'll probably get a new one, but just for aesthetic purposes really.
I don't know much about this Amanda Palmer chick. I know she was in that band, and I may have heard one or two songs which I don't remember being that bad. So, I'm reading this interview on SG with her, and it seems pretty ridiculous. Just about the entire interview is about this "controversial" video depicting abortion which she has released. It's a pretty...
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I think you were terribly out of line to tell Opaque to lose her "poser Rastafarian hair".
Dreadlocks are but a hair style, not only used by the Rastafarian culture, and they definitely were NOT the first to utilize it, actually the earliest tribe this hairstyle can be attributed to is the Masai tribeman warriors of Kenya.
Specifically, Rastafarian dreadlocks are a tribute to Haile Selassie the Emperor of Ethipoia (Ras Tafari) the one with "the hair of whose head was like wool" King of kings, represented by the Lion of Judah.
The hair style is based from the bible, Leviticus 21:5
and it represents a way of life, rebellion from the standard "asshole americanized" way of living.
Their dreadlocks are those that are formed naturally from letting the hair matt, not back-combed if you want to get technical about it.
In the Rastafarian views "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corners of their beard, nor make any cutting in the flesh" the way the hair matts naturally comes to represent the Lion of judah...
Outside of that specific religion, it is realistically just a hair style, and a personal choice, we are not here to please everyone, and you should definitely try to be more educated on the subject if your going to say something in regards to it.
Please don't tell an SG to "get rid of" something. If you don't have something nice to say about her hair, then don't say anything at all.
Sorry if it sounds snarky, but people don't realize that we are just regular folk, much like you, and we don't need snap judgments, and negative feedback on the
"I LOVED IT" section.
Dreadlocks are but a hair style, not only used by the Rastafarian culture, and they definitely were NOT the first to utilize it, actually the earliest tribe this hairstyle can be attributed to is the Masai tribeman warriors of Kenya.
Specifically, Rastafarian dreadlocks are a tribute to Haile Selassie the Emperor of Ethipoia (Ras Tafari) the one with "the hair of whose head was like wool" King of kings, represented by the Lion of Judah.
The hair style is based from the bible, Leviticus 21:5
and it represents a way of life, rebellion from the standard "asshole americanized" way of living.
Their dreadlocks are those that are formed naturally from letting the hair matt, not back-combed if you want to get technical about it.
In the Rastafarian views "They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corners of their beard, nor make any cutting in the flesh" the way the hair matts naturally comes to represent the Lion of judah...
Outside of that specific religion, it is realistically just a hair style, and a personal choice, we are not here to please everyone, and you should definitely try to be more educated on the subject if your going to say something in regards to it.
Please don't tell an SG to "get rid of" something. If you don't have something nice to say about her hair, then don't say anything at all.
Sorry if it sounds snarky, but people don't realize that we are just regular folk, much like you, and we don't need snap judgments, and negative feedback on the
"I LOVED IT" section.
So I seem to have found some sort of inspiration in the rap community. Not inspiration on how to live my life, of course, simply for blogging purposes. (There's something about me referring to myself blogging that makes my skin crawl) It just really interests me how simply retarded these rappers can be...time and time and time and time and time again. Now I don't...
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So, the past few weeks I have become progressively irked by a one Lil Wayne. He has bothered me, as many rappers do, for quite some time. I must say that, while I do not care for most rap music, I am also not one of those people to just dismiss rap as crap. I like some rap music, hell there was a period in...
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The only rap I listen to and (more importantly buy) is Beastie boys stuff, its origonal especially some of the non hits which are just great musical pieces and fun to listen to, apart from that I find rap and r&b is just so derivative, it seems you can make a name for yourself nowadays by just laying down a basic beat sing about how you love and miss someone and go "OOoooUUUOoouuUUUHH"
Anyway good luck with your vegan valentines!

Anyway good luck with your vegan valentines!