Sorry that I have not commented back to anyway lately. Things have been pretty hectic up here.
I don't know what to say, my life gets pretty boring during the summer. I am thinking about taking on a stocking job at 4 in the morning to make some extra money. I don't know though, it sounds pretty damn early.
I am getting my nose pierced on June 11th if I don't chicken out. I am trying to get my friend Tara to pierce her septum with me. A picture of her is in my 'next SG' folder. Do you think she would look good with one? I think she would look great!!
If anyone wants me to leave them a delightfully drunk message the night of June 10th, I will definately give you a ring!! I think it would be fun. I am turning 21!! YIp YIP!!!
Anyway, I am off.
If anyone wants to take horn lessons in the South Dakota area, I will give them to you.
Come on! I was in All State Orchestra all four years and was first chair for my last two! I've played with the South Dakota Symphony!!!! I have a nice rack!!!!!!!!!
Aw, fuck you......

I don't know what to say, my life gets pretty boring during the summer. I am thinking about taking on a stocking job at 4 in the morning to make some extra money. I don't know though, it sounds pretty damn early.
I am getting my nose pierced on June 11th if I don't chicken out. I am trying to get my friend Tara to pierce her septum with me. A picture of her is in my 'next SG' folder. Do you think she would look good with one? I think she would look great!!
If anyone wants me to leave them a delightfully drunk message the night of June 10th, I will definately give you a ring!! I think it would be fun. I am turning 21!! YIp YIP!!!
Anyway, I am off.
If anyone wants to take horn lessons in the South Dakota area, I will give them to you.
Come on! I was in All State Orchestra all four years and was first chair for my last two! I've played with the South Dakota Symphony!!!! I have a nice rack!!!!!!!!!
Aw, fuck you......

Remember, water is your friend. So is anyone willing to hold your hair back. Have fun!