My intro to psych class leads me to say mean things to certain people. A couple of days ago we were discussing ethics in testing which eventually moved the discussion to animal testing. At one point, one of the girls in the class made the statement "I don't care as long as they don't test on the cute animals like dogs." and I was just shocked. So then I said some hurtful things such as: "That's the same concept the Nazis had.", "Who gets to decide 'cute'?", "Are you going to continue on with humans the same way by testing on the ugly ones?", "Cute means different things in different species.". So I apologized to the girl after class because it wasn't nice of me to go off on her even if some of my statements were very true. I just really hate that elitist concept of "If you're not as attractive then you don't matter as much."

People are idiots and they need to be called out on it as outrightly as they flap their ignorant jaws.
I was queen of this in psych, soc and philosophy as well [which I don't think had any less total bullshit -- actually more].
I say, good for you.