so the Japanese chin people came today the lady was supper sweet (AND OLD) any ways she loved your home and Penelope (shes a Boston lover) and she liked our kitties, she said that she thinks our home would be perfect for a chin. so she is going to start emailing us pic of chins and if we are interested in one we can meet her and Penelope can too! I'm excited and kinda torn at the same time idk if i should get a chin or another Boston for Penelope...well only time will tell.
More Blogs
Friday Jan 02, 2009
the Japanese chin people had to cancel our home visit for today so w… -
Wednesday Dec 31, 2008
Boston Terrie rescue of NC come for your house visit today... excited… -
Sunday Dec 28, 2008
So we have been going back and forth with the boston ppl and chin ppl… -
Friday Dec 26, 2008
So Peter and I left NC the evening before xmas eve at 6:00 we didn't … -
Tuesday Dec 16, 2008
So my parents left this morning it was nice seeing them and having th… -
Thursday Dec 11, 2008
yay my parents are here! -
Monday Dec 08, 2008
Home Sweet home.. couldn't be happier to be home <3 -
Friday Nov 28, 2008
So our first thanksgiving in our new home cooking a thanksgiving dinn… -
Wednesday Nov 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving every one! -
Wednesday Nov 12, 2008
So i had my frist day at the new salon yesterday. peter went in that …