So we left on monday night at 9:00 and drove straght threw PA, DE, MD, but when we got to VA at 1:30 we pulled over and passed out we sleep for 3 and half hrs and then got up and kept on driving but then we had to stop i got car sick so i puked on the side of the road in VA
Then we made in to NC. we wnt to ihop and then we went and saw our room there was deid roches in the parking lot
idk why we didnt just drive away but we still went and looked at the room lets just say we left right away and stayed at a diffrent motel lol.
Any ways we went and cheeked out the petsmarts and the one we would live the closes to is supper nice and we meet the manger she was very sweet and total us that we r in hight demand and that ahse would take me right now lol so i guess thats really good. then we meet with our realter sh is so fun shes a supper nice lady. any ways we went and saw 10 houses the frist day!!! and it was 95 out and very sunny it was nice and not umid. well i feel in love with this one house and i'm ready to move in j/k after we looked at all the houses peter and i went to chillies yummy every thing is very like in nj they have every thing nj has and more and its all newer they have targetsand applebess eveen though ppl said they didnt. oh well we r goin to see some more houses to day and we still want to cheak out some other places like stores mallls dog parks and stuff ill keep every one up dated.

Then we made in to NC. we wnt to ihop and then we went and saw our room there was deid roches in the parking lot

Any ways we went and cheeked out the petsmarts and the one we would live the closes to is supper nice and we meet the manger she was very sweet and total us that we r in hight demand and that ahse would take me right now lol so i guess thats really good. then we meet with our realter sh is so fun shes a supper nice lady. any ways we went and saw 10 houses the frist day!!! and it was 95 out and very sunny it was nice and not umid. well i feel in love with this one house and i'm ready to move in j/k after we looked at all the houses peter and i went to chillies yummy every thing is very like in nj they have every thing nj has and more and its all newer they have targetsand applebess eveen though ppl said they didnt. oh well we r goin to see some more houses to day and we still want to cheak out some other places like stores mallls dog parks and stuff ill keep every one up dated.

Good to see you're enjoying it. Nj is not the center of the universe, lol.