i hate my life.... blah is it really xmas in 10 days ... dosent feel like it what i would do to be like 6 for ever! to have real excitment and to just be happy to not have to working my fucking god damn ass off at the shittyest job ever, and to not have to worry if my car will brake down on my way to work and if peter and i will have a enough money to pay the bills and about how fat i am , to not have to deal with all the midle school bitch drama at work.... and i could go on.... i just want to eat xmas cookies and stay up all night waiting for santa!!!
omg growing up sucks so much!!!
omg growing up sucks so much!!!
So i looked up stuff about the lights and it's open til 9:30. and we'll need a place to park my car so I can ride w/ you guys. We can't park there I think because the display IS in the parking lot. And it's 15 bucks a carload, so it'll cost 5 bucks for each of us.