Thank you everyone for your supportive comments and encouragements!
I think this picture is about as much Lemonade as I can make out of this particular lemon. I just had a bunch of stickers printed. If you want a couple, they are free. Just PM me the address you want them to go to, and DON'T put them anywhere you don't have permission to.
You can also get them at the show tonight at Stagewerx! 533 Sutter @ Powell, 8-10PM 15 bucks!
Hee Hee!
I hope the person that did this tries to sue me for stealing their idea. LOL
I think this picture is about as much Lemonade as I can make out of this particular lemon. I just had a bunch of stickers printed. If you want a couple, they are free. Just PM me the address you want them to go to, and DON'T put them anywhere you don't have permission to.

Hee Hee!

I hope the person that did this tries to sue me for stealing their idea. LOL
i actually love this!