Wow! You guys really missed my point. I didn't mean that all men are scum and how dare they give me a compliment or dare to look at my tits as I walk down the street. Quite the contrary! I enjoy a good "Wow!" or "Just use me, please!" as I go along on my merry way, and if someone tells me they like my shirt when I'm wearing my "Sinner" Rev. Horton Heat shirt, I'll say "Thank you!" And when they say "We should sin together sometime," I'll smile and laugh. I like attention. I like fun flirtiness whenever I come across it. In fact, I'm a shameless flirt! It's just people who decide they have the right and reason to sling random mud my way as I innocently go about my day that bothers me.
Don't get me wrong. I am not a man-hater. I love men. They make me laugh and laugh...

Don't get me wrong. I am not a man-hater. I love men. They make me laugh and laugh...

i actually had a friend who'd spent a good 8 years of her life in london... she'd lost the accent, except for when she read aloud... for some unknown reason, she slipped into a very soft, soothing british accent... she should read books for a living.
there're two good used bookstores here in tacoma... and only one of those two has a truly impressive collection... from what i've heard, they're also expanding into a basement area... i can't think of a more pleasant way to spend a sunday late-morning than to wander aimlessly through a used bookstore... *sigh*... books and photography stuff are my checkbook's biggest enemies...