Okay. For those of you who are keeping score -- I use the term figuratively since I doubt anyone cares -- my conclusion of my previous post is that the majority of people in any group of people (school, work, hip-hoppers, goths, executives, environmentalists, etc.) are idiots following the trend because they're too afraid to think for themselves. Which is highly depressing. It's totally demoralizing...
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and they're playing three nights!! can't wait!

Depending on what you need them for people in general can be quite moronic. So your bagging on the Goth kids now... they are a fun paradox aren't they? Here you have people so desperate to be individuals, so desperate to be different that they have created a sub grouping all for themselves... which totally defeats the purpose of being different individuals. The best part is they aren't even Goth the poor kids just use the word without even knowing what it refers to. Of course they just want to be accepted and it is totally natural for humans as a species to huddle together in like minded groups. Personally I view them with suspicion at the least and an annoyance at most (their constant whining gets old) as they are the weaker of our species and their fragile emotional states make them unstable and often unpredictable. In the grand scheme of things they are just a different brand of sheeple.

Something's been bothering me with this whole SG thing. Before I do anything about it, I figure I should post it to see if there's an argument against it.

SG is essential a message board system wherein each member can post all sorts of information about themselves to initiate conversations with people that have similar interests. Personally, I thought it a medium to find feedback...
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The stereotypical male preoccupation with their penises is one of the things that aggravates me the most. Not because it's the stereotype, but mostly because it's true. People don't realize that they are a certain way because of public opinion rather than the reverse. I'm an avid pot smoker. I'm smoking right now, actually. I don't get lethargic or stupid when I smoke like the stereotype suggests. And if people gave a damn to try something outside stereotypical format, they might actually find some substance and meaning in their lives.

Anyway, my comment on sexual trivialization doesn't extend to SG in general. I admit there are women here who are passionate about their art (and it is an art). But there are many who just want to be naked because they feel somehow they're rebelling against the norm (see quote at very top of page). Like anyone cares that they're naked other than those cock-obsessed beer-swilling frat boys.

I seem to be pointing a lot of fingers. Truth be told, a lot of people aggravate me. And it's all based on the ignorance of their actions. People who act through willful and meaningful passion are who I'm looking for. I'm not interested in the selfish, ignorant and vapid troglodytes that don't know the experiences of thought or intelligent discussion. They, as you can see, bug the crap out of me.
i'd have to say half the girls on the site get it and the point is lost on the other half...the line between art and pornography is easily blurred...
Those of you who haven't seen Heroes should stop reading this right now and download the first three episodes. Each three episodes have consistently absolutely amazed me. This show is the single most exciting show I have ever seen. I've never set aside time for a TV show to watch it weekly. I can't wait for next Monday.
hahaha! funny, bacause last week my roommate and i were making fun of her husband for watching it (he usually makes the worst tv picks)...anyways, we watched it and watched it again this week....claire's cool
I love my cats but I think I might need to shave them. Their fur is instantly everywhere in my apartment at all times. I find the most unlikely places contaminated with tiny little hairs. I think they may go about my apartment opening those places that are otherwise inaccessible, plucking a single strand of fur and dropping it in, closing the location once more...
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nice kitties! maybe instead of haircuts, you should try brushing them...aah, the life of a cat...
although, not all cats are so lucky...check it out, our latest entries are thematic in a wobbly way...
aw, too cute...

and I hear ya there. Same was the case with my parents' cats when I was living at home.

So I was at Velvet on Thursday, drunk as all hell... where were YOU!? (I thought I saw you, but was really drunk by then and not able to trust my eyes to that extent).
Let me give you an example of what I was talking about in the previous post. I picked up the National Post today. For those who are unaware, it's Canada's newest national newspaper. Not more than 10 years old. The front page is splashed with articles mostly about the recent North Korean underground nuclear test. The article is mostly about international reaction at this point....
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yeah, the posts like that because they're all "writers"...that's why i read the sun, real journalism!!

(i hope your diminished sense of humour caught that bit of sarcasm)
I read a book for school once called "Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric - the Use of Reason in Everyday Life" (8th Edition - Kahane/Cavender - Wadsworth Publishing) I think you'd really like it; there's a really good chapter about the shortcomings of modern media.

For a long time I just gave up on following the news entirely, but eventually I realized that was the wrong approach! For issues I'm really interested in, I like to follow magazine articles b/c they tend to be better researched and more carefully prepared, and also b/c they tend to give exposure to a broader political voice than newspapers do (the differences between the Globe and Mail and the National Post are sadly narrow compared to, say, Utne and Harpers). I also like to listen to the BBC to 'stay up on things' - less commentary, more facts, more global.
I've understood for a long time that there are people choosing what is shown on television. The best that we can hope for is that there's something in the media somewhere written by someone likely on some independent and thus very unlikely seen broadcast that's accurate or non-biased. In the extreme this refers to government propaganda and media falsifications to mask the things the controlling...
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mmm...good point...question everything...but since when do any decisions we make influence anything?
besides, ignorance is bliss, no? wink
uh, yeah...i'm kidding...isn't that what that little winking man indicates?
I knew this would happen. I knew when I got my first two piercings in about 8 years that it would be a while before my ears were not newly pierced. I'm likely going this weekend to get two more. Gonna get two in my right cartilage. It'll hurt more but I won't be smashing it with my phone at work (I'm pretty dependent on...
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Must see Off with their Heads!
Osaze is a guest DJ for the event.
Dwight is the headlining DJ. He's doing the music for the performance as well as spinning all kinds of weird Wonderland related material.
Play Dead, Rue-Morgue vending. Plus other strange little toys and gizmos.
Original art will be up for auction. Tea lounge with Alice movies playing in the back room!
Hope you'll come out! Look for the flyers. They are limited edition playing cards. smile
Why am I writing this? It's 8::00AM and I just got home. Guess I want to get down these thoughts before morning -- err, when I wake up, whenever that will be.

I watched a show with my buddy. I think it was called "What the Bleep Do We Know." Anyway, it talked about behaviourism insomuch as our brain chemistry is involved. It explained that...
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Scientology: a new religion founded by L. Ron Hubbard in 1955 and characterized by a belief in the power of a person's spirit to clear itself of past painful experiences through self-knowledge and spiritual fulfillment.

Ain't nothin' spiritual about my definitions. I'm mired in the muck and blood of the real world. I'm as behaviourist as they come. Which would be why I want to be as clear as possible that my beliefs are FAR different than that of scientology.
Ha, unfortunately I doubt that I will be present at Velvet this week, as I am stuck working a corporate function that night. I hope it will end early enough, but only time will tell.
A night of dancing makes me feel old. Especially when I have to work the following morning. I've been stammering around all day today half because I only got four hours of sleep last night and half because Osaze was bang on last night. I love how I can request a non-standard And One song and the entire night becomes a synthpop EBM night. He...
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You didn't see me last night either!?

A real shame too, cause I spent a good deal of time with; Lucy, Elana, Lisseth, Red_Vinyl, etc. It was good freakin' times!

I hope to see ya sometime soon there.
I need more people to smoke with. I don't have that many right now. And even so, all but one are not the types of people I take any enjoyment from being stoned with. Stoners are given the poor stereotype of being lethargic imbeciles slowly letting go of any power of mental acuity. A stereotype that's eaten up by the majority of stoners anyway. I'm...
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Isn't it the same with alcohol? A lot of people when they get drunk just act stupid and talk about ridiculous things that have no intellectual value. I like to get drunk and debate complex philosophical issues or discuss important periods in history, but nearly everyone i know doesn't. I'm not a big fan of pot myself (it turns me into an overly analyitical asshole and gives me a nasty headache) but i can sympathize.

I disagree... naturally... To me any action requires choice which completely negates any situation where one is forced to be unhappy. Even if I were imprisoned tomorrow I am still left with choices on where I will go from there. If I feel I can not serve my time I can try to escape or I can kill myself. I agree that choices are not always easy to make but the difficulty is self made and the choice to submit to circumstance rather then overcome is something I have no pity for. We create life as we wish at whatever level we are comfortable creating it. What I urge is we all accept the ultimate levels of responsibility and realize that every choice is ours and whatever we perceive as good is no farther then a change in perception and actions.

So when you relate your difficulty over the choice between meat and veggies we are in agreement. What you perceive as the better way is being carried out by you right now so you embody what I mean. Now to me neither way is more right then the other, which is my other point regarding perception.

So back to our grenade jumping friend and your friends assertion there are no selfless acts. Yes you may say he was selfless by saving the lives of his friends but only because you are not him, you do not stand in his shoes. If you were you would be driven by your own desire to carry out an action which would be selfish. I know there is a thick negative connotation to that word but really all it means is you are doing something of your own accord. The living god. So you see the action is both selfish and selfless simultaneously, a duality that spreads throughout every concept in existence.