Weird experience last night. At exactly 11:11 we passed 11th st. as we were tailgaiting the number 111 bus. Im not a superstitious person, but I mean come on, whats up with that?
Anywho, hope everyones Mom Day went well. Had a fun night at club bang on Saturday. Looking forward to camping down in San Onefre next weekend.
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Anywho, hope everyones Mom Day went well. Had a fun night at club bang on Saturday. Looking forward to camping down in San Onefre next weekend.
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the only show im aware of is my bf's show coming up . its a local hardcore show on the 17th . this saturday in lake elsinore. its his last show with this band so i HAVE to go. even if it sucks. and im not sure if it will or hoping it wont , that precious drinking time i could be wasting. but if you want to go let me know and ill give you the info.
i want to be a bunny too!