so last thursday i had my septum pierced on the way to work...MISTAKE..i done a ten hour shift with a sore,swollen crusty blood nose...hahaha......potato nose someone said..!!
i hope it gets better soon it's still somewhat uncomfortable..
i asked some people before i had it done like this girl i asked on the edgware road when my bus broke down i was told it didn't hurt....BIG FUCKING BOLLOCKS..it hurt and it still ain't to great...can't wait for it to be totally healed so that i don't have to worry so much about punched on the nose which nearly happened on the day i got it done..this total fuckwit told me he was going to drag me out of my bus because he went the wrong way...CUNT..i couldn't back down so i was glad when he did..hahaha
i told him to say sorry for the way he spoke to me and he did..!!
now i must go to work...
see ya
so last thursday i had my septum pierced on the way to work...MISTAKE..i done a ten hour shift with a sore,swollen crusty blood nose...hahaha......potato nose someone said..!!
i hope it gets better soon it's still somewhat uncomfortable..
i asked some people before i had it done like this girl i asked on the edgware road when my bus broke down i was told it didn't hurt....BIG FUCKING BOLLOCKS..it hurt and it still ain't to great...can't wait for it to be totally healed so that i don't have to worry so much about punched on the nose which nearly happened on the day i got it done..this total fuckwit told me he was going to drag me out of my bus because he went the wrong way...CUNT..i couldn't back down so i was glad when he did..hahaha
i told him to say sorry for the way he spoke to me and he did..!!
now i must go to work...
see ya
now make sure u make some friends to read ur story...potato nose

...I'll add you as a friend...if you add me... go ooooonnn...only 'cos I feel like we're all already in a kind of club....a flickr one...