Someone recently asked me about a particular relationship I had which ended badly. She asked me if I regretted ever getting involved with the person in the first place. My first instinct was to say "Hell yeah I regret it!!!!" But then I stopped to think about it, and came up with a totally different answer that wasn't at all what I expected.
As far as relationships go, I've had my share of shitty ones as I'm sure some of you already know about. But if I could go back in time and erase the relationship.....I most definatly wouldn't do it. Why? Because no matter how bad things were, I have never had a relationship with someone that I don't have at least a few great memories from. And I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in the world. Those experiences, the good and the bad, have made me the person that I am. For each and every time that my heart's been broken, for every name I've been called, for every hit (emotional or physical) that I've took, there's a wonderful memory somewhere along the way to balance things out. A card, a road trip, a birthday, a concert, an evening snuggled up watching TV....There has been something memoriable and good out of every relationship that I've had. So, no. If I had a choice to cut out any of my past relationships, I wouldn't do it in a million years. Because it would be like cutting out a piece of my heart.
As far as relationships go, I've had my share of shitty ones as I'm sure some of you already know about. But if I could go back in time and erase the relationship.....I most definatly wouldn't do it. Why? Because no matter how bad things were, I have never had a relationship with someone that I don't have at least a few great memories from. And I wouldn't trade those memories for anything in the world. Those experiences, the good and the bad, have made me the person that I am. For each and every time that my heart's been broken, for every name I've been called, for every hit (emotional or physical) that I've took, there's a wonderful memory somewhere along the way to balance things out. A card, a road trip, a birthday, a concert, an evening snuggled up watching TV....There has been something memoriable and good out of every relationship that I've had. So, no. If I had a choice to cut out any of my past relationships, I wouldn't do it in a million years. Because it would be like cutting out a piece of my heart.

I can't think of a relationship when I didn't learn something about myself or people in general. Just because they don't work out, doesn't mean it was a waste.

There's certain things I regret about some of my past relationships.... but in my eyes they all were meant to happen. Kind of like a stepping stone. You learn... move forward... and use those "bad" experiences to better things for yourself in the future.