Have you ever caught yourself dancing or singing an off the wall kinda song? That happened to me today. I was working on some programs at work and dont remember singing to myself. "I dont want anybody else....when i think about you i touch myself ooohhaahhh" well thats the song i was singing....apparently it was just loud enough that like 4 people that work in my building that just happened to be walking by stood there for probably a few minutes and were just giggling. I felt like an idiot....why couldnt my unconcious make me sing a song that wasnt about touching myself lol. well sucks i still got two more days before the weekend. I dont think they are gonna let me live this one down till then....

I always sing random Britney Spears songs when I'm walking around. Sometimes I don't realize I'm doing it. One time was the one that's all "by the touch of my handddddddddd"