Ok so in an effort to make this site all it can be for me I'm actually starting a blog. Damn, I really don't know what to put in here but it doesn't really matter because I doubt if anyone will read it when there are like thousands of beautiful women to look at instead. So I'll start from the beginning. I'm sitting here drinking the nectar of the gods, Coffee. It's 7:52am here in LA and I took a day off work so that I didn't have to get out of bed. Then after I called in I couldn't get back to sleep. That's pretty much me in a nutshell.
This morning I weighed in at 261 pounds which is pretty fucking amazing considering that 4 months ago I weighed 347. Everyone I know is asking my what my goal is for loosing weight and I keep looking at them thinking how much is enough for you? Isn't loosing 90 pounds enough for people to just say "wow, you look great" instead of "how much more do you have to go?" Doesn't really matter though, I know they're just looking out for my best interest. I feel great though, thanks for asking. I got a call from my ex two nights ago and she wanted to come over to "hang" and when she got here she almost fell over from the shock. It was funny.
Ok well, I don't know what else.....Oh, if you want some good coffee check out Intellegensia Coffee they have a website, which is where I get my coffee but if you're ever in Chi-town find one of their shops and stop by for a cup. Honest to god the best coffee I've ever had, I wouldn't steer you wrong.
(I feel like I have to have some witty radio like sign off)
Doesn't matter...No ones reading this anyway.
This morning I weighed in at 261 pounds which is pretty fucking amazing considering that 4 months ago I weighed 347. Everyone I know is asking my what my goal is for loosing weight and I keep looking at them thinking how much is enough for you? Isn't loosing 90 pounds enough for people to just say "wow, you look great" instead of "how much more do you have to go?" Doesn't really matter though, I know they're just looking out for my best interest. I feel great though, thanks for asking. I got a call from my ex two nights ago and she wanted to come over to "hang" and when she got here she almost fell over from the shock. It was funny.
Ok well, I don't know what else.....Oh, if you want some good coffee check out Intellegensia Coffee they have a website, which is where I get my coffee but if you're ever in Chi-town find one of their shops and stop by for a cup. Honest to god the best coffee I've ever had, I wouldn't steer you wrong.
(I feel like I have to have some witty radio like sign off)
Doesn't matter...No ones reading this anyway.