I'm having serious SG withdrawals!
And I go back to work today - yikes!
No computer for 8.5 hours a day!
What am I going to do?
I miss you guys
btw... I'm supposed to send someone art for the wheel of balance/four corners I have on my back, but I don't remember whom
Could the person in question remind this space-cadet who he is?
OK, a quick update:
My doctor won't release me to go back to teaching for at least another year (which then means a year and a half cause it's almost impossible to get a job half-way through the school year).
But... I need to go back to work - not because of $$$ but for my emotional and psychological well-being. It's complicated - yeah, I put in all those hours volunteering and all, but not having to do anything, it just feels... you know. And I just need to start putting this behind me, reclaiming my life and some sort of normalacy.
So... a really fun job falls into my lap, and I beg and cry and scream and pout and stomp my foot and threaten and manipulate and do everything I can... until my doc gives in and gives me a conditional release (to be re-evaluated based on my recovery progress).
And so, as of today, I'm working for Chanel at Macy's.
And what a first day it was - talk about jumping in head first! A special event, slammed, hectic, all the big wigs there... and poor little me, not even sure how to ring things up on the register
But... it was awesome! Apparently, I look a lot friendlier than the rest of them cause all those women wanted me to do their consultations and answer questions and all that.
And talk about breaking rules... Macy's won't let you have any facial piercings... and Chanel won't let you even have more than one earring per ear.
But guess who gets to keep all her earrings?
And... I thought I'd see if I could get away with clear nose and brow jewelery... not only do I get to get away with it, but our district manager actually likes the way I look with my regular stuff and will let me wear my regular nose stud, and in a little bit, when I 'establish' myself, she'll let me wear my brow bar and see how it flies with the clients!!!
On that note, I looked in the mirror today and my face looked so strange with no metal in it and all made-up and pretty. So freaky!!!
OK, I better stop now... I'm totally dorking out bubbly with excitement... but about to crash - exhausted and in major pain from standing for 8 hours.
I promise no more of this kind of excitement vomit
And I go back to work today - yikes!
No computer for 8.5 hours a day!
What am I going to do?
I miss you guys

btw... I'm supposed to send someone art for the wheel of balance/four corners I have on my back, but I don't remember whom

Could the person in question remind this space-cadet who he is?
OK, a quick update:
My doctor won't release me to go back to teaching for at least another year (which then means a year and a half cause it's almost impossible to get a job half-way through the school year).
But... I need to go back to work - not because of $$$ but for my emotional and psychological well-being. It's complicated - yeah, I put in all those hours volunteering and all, but not having to do anything, it just feels... you know. And I just need to start putting this behind me, reclaiming my life and some sort of normalacy.
So... a really fun job falls into my lap, and I beg and cry and scream and pout and stomp my foot and threaten and manipulate and do everything I can... until my doc gives in and gives me a conditional release (to be re-evaluated based on my recovery progress).
And so, as of today, I'm working for Chanel at Macy's.
And what a first day it was - talk about jumping in head first! A special event, slammed, hectic, all the big wigs there... and poor little me, not even sure how to ring things up on the register

But... it was awesome! Apparently, I look a lot friendlier than the rest of them cause all those women wanted me to do their consultations and answer questions and all that.
And talk about breaking rules... Macy's won't let you have any facial piercings... and Chanel won't let you even have more than one earring per ear.
But guess who gets to keep all her earrings?
And... I thought I'd see if I could get away with clear nose and brow jewelery... not only do I get to get away with it, but our district manager actually likes the way I look with my regular stuff and will let me wear my regular nose stud, and in a little bit, when I 'establish' myself, she'll let me wear my brow bar and see how it flies with the clients!!!
On that note, I looked in the mirror today and my face looked so strange with no metal in it and all made-up and pretty. So freaky!!!
OK, I better stop now... I'm totally dorking out bubbly with excitement... but about to crash - exhausted and in major pain from standing for 8 hours.
I promise no more of this kind of excitement vomit

hhhhhh...i wan't to leave yo with a tease, and you best be allieviating that tease's presssure