Me sad... Johnny Ramone died... very very sad.
Me double-sad... Not going to Costa Rica...
And disgusted... when did I become a mature adult?
My doctor said no... a big fat no! The humidity would aggravate my injuries, plus the flight would be too much. In short:
"Remember how you felt when it was humid here? Take that and multiply it by thousand."
"Remember how you felt flying to New York? Take that and multiply by 3, then some"
(I upgraded to first class and it was still unbearable... and I can't upgrade all the way to Costa Rica)
"You are an adult and I can't order you not to go, but I strongly recommend against it. I trust you'll use your judgement and do what's in the best interest of your recovery."
And damn it!!! I did.
When did I turn into a mature adult with good judgement?
I know you wanted to go and....also wanted to see a very special friend on the way.