Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop.
(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
Detox - Day One:
So far, so good... Maybe I can do this...
Wait... I've only been up for, oh, 4 or so minutes...
Never mind.
'Feel good' moment for today: I caught a glimpse of my butt and I think it's getting rounder!
Big deal, you say... but to me... see, it's one part of my body that I've always been at war with. It's nice, don't get me wrong, but I always wanted it to be more 'bubbly' - not JLo-style, but more like... Stormy's, I guess - little and round.
I got the 'little' part on its own, and I've worked and worked on making it grow, but it just wouldn't... and growing up a runner, surrounded by all those strong butts... well, it just didn't make it better.
So, I finally decided to make peace with it and love it... I wasn't going to enter my thirties with any insecurities... and now, magically (I think it's the Pilates), it seems to have bubbled up... just a tiny little bit, probably not noticable to anyone else, but hey, with sugar and fat gone out of my diet, my reasons to keep on living are few and in between... so whatever puts a
on my face.
Detox - Day One:
Guess not...
Tomorrow is a much better day to start anyways...
(Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)
Detox - Day One:
So far, so good... Maybe I can do this...
Wait... I've only been up for, oh, 4 or so minutes...
Never mind.
'Feel good' moment for today: I caught a glimpse of my butt and I think it's getting rounder!
Big deal, you say... but to me... see, it's one part of my body that I've always been at war with. It's nice, don't get me wrong, but I always wanted it to be more 'bubbly' - not JLo-style, but more like... Stormy's, I guess - little and round.
I got the 'little' part on its own, and I've worked and worked on making it grow, but it just wouldn't... and growing up a runner, surrounded by all those strong butts... well, it just didn't make it better.
So, I finally decided to make peace with it and love it... I wasn't going to enter my thirties with any insecurities... and now, magically (I think it's the Pilates), it seems to have bubbled up... just a tiny little bit, probably not noticable to anyone else, but hey, with sugar and fat gone out of my diet, my reasons to keep on living are few and in between... so whatever puts a

Detox - Day One:
Guess not...
Tomorrow is a much better day to start anyways...
I've had some great teachers in the area, so I felt obligated to work with others to further the field. Plus, I learn more about something when I discuss it in an open forum.
Feel free to pass on the word to anyone who you think would enjoy the group, but I want problem-solvers, not whiners. Sometimes other relationship-oriented forums degrade to "why does no one like me", "nice guys/girls finish last, so I have to be a jerk/bitch to get women/men" rants, and I don't want that.