'When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap.'
A. Whitney Griswold
It's over...
No more cake and ice-cream for breakfast... lunch... dinner...
No more cheesecake... cookies... brownies...
No more 'fat and sugar' diet.
I got in a shit-load of trouble with my acupuncturist today. She chewed me out worse than that time when... actually, worse than I've ever been chewed out. And then she made me cry...
So what if my best friends for the past 3 months have been Ben and Jerry, or that I ate 6 bagels yesterday... and half of a chocolate cake? And is it really all that wrong to go to the store at 3 am because you don't have enough bread to go with the butter you are set on eating? And pudding... oh, the sweet pudding...
I know she's right... and I know I need to do and/or not do certain things if I want to recover... and I know I am doing things that are self-destructive... and I know why I'm doing it... But wouldn't you if you were, all of a sudden, stuck in a body and mind that were so unfamiliar, not your own, damaged, hurt...
Oh well... for the next 28 days, I have to do the stupid detox... no sugar or wheat, no gluten, no eggs or dairy of any kind, no soy or soy products, no peanut butter or chocolate (um... don't think I can do without either one of those), and no caffeine (that's where I draw the line for sure - no one's taking my coffee away!).
So, lets see... that leaves me with... the yucky detox protein drink she gave me and a few vegetables... oh, and rice and beans.
And she wouldn't even budge when I tried to use my 3+ hours of cardio a day + pilates + dancing as a reason I need all those extra calories. Instead, she gave me a 'calorie bomb' drink mix.
And she also didn't go for 'I'll start on the 1st'... nope, got to start tomorrow (since I already 'did the damage' today)
But, at least I won the cigarette battle - there is no way in the world - no way - I'm giving that up right now. One day maybe, but not today...
A. Whitney Griswold
It's over...
No more cake and ice-cream for breakfast... lunch... dinner...
No more cheesecake... cookies... brownies...
No more 'fat and sugar' diet.

I got in a shit-load of trouble with my acupuncturist today. She chewed me out worse than that time when... actually, worse than I've ever been chewed out. And then she made me cry...
So what if my best friends for the past 3 months have been Ben and Jerry, or that I ate 6 bagels yesterday... and half of a chocolate cake? And is it really all that wrong to go to the store at 3 am because you don't have enough bread to go with the butter you are set on eating? And pudding... oh, the sweet pudding...
I know she's right... and I know I need to do and/or not do certain things if I want to recover... and I know I am doing things that are self-destructive... and I know why I'm doing it... But wouldn't you if you were, all of a sudden, stuck in a body and mind that were so unfamiliar, not your own, damaged, hurt...
Oh well... for the next 28 days, I have to do the stupid detox... no sugar or wheat, no gluten, no eggs or dairy of any kind, no soy or soy products, no peanut butter or chocolate (um... don't think I can do without either one of those), and no caffeine (that's where I draw the line for sure - no one's taking my coffee away!).
So, lets see... that leaves me with... the yucky detox protein drink she gave me and a few vegetables... oh, and rice and beans.
And she wouldn't even budge when I tried to use my 3+ hours of cardio a day + pilates + dancing as a reason I need all those extra calories. Instead, she gave me a 'calorie bomb' drink mix.
And she also didn't go for 'I'll start on the 1st'... nope, got to start tomorrow (since I already 'did the damage' today)

But, at least I won the cigarette battle - there is no way in the world - no way - I'm giving that up right now. One day maybe, but not today...
hey...am i totally high...or do you work out at Golds?
i could swear i saw you in there wed on the stairmaster thingy
Yes, I do work out at Golds and have been confined to the hell of elliptical trainers since the accident (no running, no lifting, no classes, nothing). But, at least there is something I can still do, so I won't complain (I guess)
Next time, come say hi...
(btw, I'm blind as a bat, so if I walk by you and ignore you, I'm not being a bitch - most likely I can't see you