Oh no! I'm having a 'fat and ugly' day... serves me right for cheating on my 'fat and sugar' diet by having a healthy meal... but I was really craving some hot and spicy Indian food and it's hard to make anything of sorts using cheesecake and icecream. So I had to eat vegetables...
Oh well... just goes to show you that even perfection has down-kind of days.
My horoscope this morning said I'd be moody and that things/people that usually annoy me will be flat out irritiating. No fucking shit, Einstein! Did you have to go to school for that? I'm surrounded by irritating people and things... and today I just want to use my magic powers and make them all go 'poof'! And the next person that talks to me will get just that!
Who, me, moody?
Oh well... just goes to show you that even perfection has down-kind of days.
My horoscope this morning said I'd be moody and that things/people that usually annoy me will be flat out irritiating. No fucking shit, Einstein! Did you have to go to school for that? I'm surrounded by irritating people and things... and today I just want to use my magic powers and make them all go 'poof'! And the next person that talks to me will get just that!
Who, me, moody?