Philly Itinerary is coming along. Along with the Rammstien concert, I'm going to be hitting up the Barcade, the Edgar Allan Poe Museum, and Eastern State Pennitentary. Been to ESP before, but didn't get to appreciate as much I could have. The Poe museum looks to be in a cool area, so I'm going to dedicate some time in that area. Thanks to Perks for the recommendations.
Far as work goes, I just hope the next week is less stupid than the last month. ::Insert witty cynical remark here:: Of course, the last year hasn't been without the occasional hidden nugget of joy. Such as the old guy who quoted Jimmy Hoffa. Course, this old guy made me think of Frank Sinatra at first glance. Weird, how only recently I've come to appreciate what I call Old Man Wisdom. It's not limited to men, and not every old person has it. But yeah, what the old guy said is going to be a tattoo. Probably my next.
I've been exchanging messages with Minimalism, a fellow Jerseyian as it turns out, and he's deucing out to Argentina. I'm taking what info and knowledge he's sharing and formulating a plan of my own. I've enjoyed Jersey, but the Jersey Shore group has ruined it for me. By Jersey Shore group, I refer to the apparent explosion of mutated Benny's that have simply fucked things up. Speaking of Jersey, I need to find new stomping grounds. It's been 5 years since I've done anything but visit. So, I can't lay claim to my old places. He'll, I'm not even sure if some of them still exist. Time to travel.
Far as work goes, I just hope the next week is less stupid than the last month. ::Insert witty cynical remark here:: Of course, the last year hasn't been without the occasional hidden nugget of joy. Such as the old guy who quoted Jimmy Hoffa. Course, this old guy made me think of Frank Sinatra at first glance. Weird, how only recently I've come to appreciate what I call Old Man Wisdom. It's not limited to men, and not every old person has it. But yeah, what the old guy said is going to be a tattoo. Probably my next.
I've been exchanging messages with Minimalism, a fellow Jerseyian as it turns out, and he's deucing out to Argentina. I'm taking what info and knowledge he's sharing and formulating a plan of my own. I've enjoyed Jersey, but the Jersey Shore group has ruined it for me. By Jersey Shore group, I refer to the apparent explosion of mutated Benny's that have simply fucked things up. Speaking of Jersey, I need to find new stomping grounds. It's been 5 years since I've done anything but visit. So, I can't lay claim to my old places. He'll, I'm not even sure if some of them still exist. Time to travel.