And finally....

Yeah, I know, a little late, but here's to everyone having a year better than 2013. I think we could all use it.

Last semester was rough, so I'm taking it light on this coming one. I'm looking at two classes, and might add a third. My final obligatory Comp Sci class for my associate's, in which I have to create a working...
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Or has SG usage seemed to drop off since the layout roll over? It feels like a burgeoning ghost town here....


Do not include texting an ex this time. I decided to randomly buy three tickets to a Dropkick Murphy concert in March, four days before St. Patty's in Boston. Got in contact with two friends up in that neck of the woods who will be joining me. Haven't seen them in nearly two years, so this will be good. Mwahahahaha.

Sounds like a great drunk decision! 
Thanks! :)

Which, I dunno, is normal? I would imagine so. My first date in quite a long time and it went well. We'll enough that she brought up a second date before I did. I'm tired, but I wanted to remember this.


A few things.

First off, SG's new layout is done with tablets in mind. Seems like it's a more intuitive interface for that market. Which is not a bad thing, but I prefer the old way.

Secondly, I'm a slacker. I need to come up with a way to prevent my procrastination. Advice, anyone?

Thirdly, for whatever reason, women seems to be more attracted to...
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Went back to the gym today. Tomorrow, I'm going to hate myself.
Some days the smallest time increment of sound reminds me how much I wish I had dedicated more time to developing the skills I wish I had. Mainly in order to put my daydreams into something more tangible. Music is weird like that for me.

When I listen to a song, if I haven't already associated it with a movie (a la The End by...
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I am so very behind on my to-read list for this year. I had hoped to have a new book under my metaphorical belt each week, but between work and school, I would have been satisfied with one book a month.

About that......

Been up for 18 hours already, and I've got 3 days to play catch up on 6 books for this year. Doesn't...
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Sweet Jesus cinnamon titties the semester is finally over. Two B+'s, one of which should have been an A, two actual A's, and an A-. Long winded rant beneath the tag.

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The class which I should have gotten an A in was one I apparently never turned in an assignment. I redid it, but sent it in too late. If the...
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Oh dear fuck I need this semester to end. I could cry. I really could. But it would ruin my beer.

Anyone know why it's always the professors who have called out always assign the worst of assignments? puke

TL;DR: A usual rant beneath the tag.

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Shit. It's been almost three months since I've posted.

I've been sucked up into school. Tuesday starts finals week and I'm too burnt out to be nervous. I wish I could muster the energy to be enthusiastic in some regard, but I'm going through the motions. For the most part, I'm doing decently, I...
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So, in order to be out of the house even more, I joined a gym yesterday. What prompted me was the fact that two friends joined and they invited me go along. So I figured hell, why not? I'm questioning their level of motivation. So, if I can drag one of them along to spot me, awesome. If not, well, I'll still end up feeling...
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