But first, I wanted to take the time to thank every single one of you who are a part of this community for making it what it is. This is my safe heaven, I feel so comfortable here and I'm so so grateful. SG changed my life in many ways: I learned to love my body thru this place, I got in touch with so many different people from all around the world, I had the opportunity to see different opinions and experiences thru the discussion threads, I evolved so much on modeling, and I could keep on going about all the amazing stuff it brought me. Thank you, SG. Thank you everyone for this amazing site! ❤️
Now, let's go to the Q&A!
✨ Fury's Xmas Q&A ✨
1. Who's putting up a Christmas tree?
What tree? Haven't put one up in years.
2. Who's into holiday decorations indoors and outdoors?
At other people's houses yes.
3. Do you have any family traditions during the holidays?
Make tamales
4. Do you have any holiday charities you donate to or participate in?
When I can afford it, I donate to Toys for Tots. I also put a couple bucks in the Salvation Army cauldron every time I go to the store.
5. Favorite Christmas song?
Little Drummer Boy/Peace On Earth by David Bowie and Bing Crosby
6. Who's shopping online?
I do
7. I think shopping local and supporting local business owners is important during the holidays. What's your opinion on this?
I prefer local and Mom and Pop stores
8. Favorite things to do during the holiday season? Name 3 things
Visit family, Eat, Make tamales
9. Anyone wait to the last minute to go Christmas shopping?
From time to time.
10. New Year plans!
11. Has anyone ever gotten stressed out over the holidays?
Yes. I get frustrated at all the rude idiots not caring about anyone else.
12. Do you have a budget, no budget?
No money equals no budget
13. New Question: what one thing would you change about Christmas (in America)?
That it is focused on commercial and greedy stuff and not the real reason for the season. Be it Christmas or Hanukkah.
Now I nominate: @adam_bovary, @juicyvonmary, @boardsilly13, @wizard0, @beckypaige, @magnea, @robertbluesman