1, I took my dog to stay with family in NC temporarily because my realtor doesn't like him hanging around while people view the house. My dad called to say that ChiCha has been sitting at the glass door looking out at the driveway since I left. I feel sick.
2. At my friend's funeral, the widow wouldn't let the undertakers lower the casket into the ground. She wouldn't let go of the casket there at the gravesite. That fucked everyone up. My friends and I went out and bought 2 cases of Corona.and drained them in a friend's backyard.
3. A car in front of me on the highway hit a rabbit. I pulled over to check the rabbit out. Sometimes if you get to a hit animal before a minute or two passes, you will find that the animal has been knocked unconscious and is not breathing -- but pressure on the chest can stimulate the lungs and restart breathing. This was not the case with the rabbit -- she was in her death throes -- probably a broken neck.
4. On my way back from NC, I wanted to drive past my town and on to D.C., to the house of a man with a tattooed shoulder and cobalt eyes. But I'm hyperconscious of people's space. Boheme is a handful to have rolling up in your space on a Sunday night. So I stayed on course. Am I overly cautious and lack spontaneity, or am I afraid of rejection?
5. I was trying to think how many times I've actually been in love. If I understand what that means, it's two times. Both ended badly. Must a girl steel herself against that riptide of emotions?
6. Remember Harold and Maude? "Go out and love some more."
2. At my friend's funeral, the widow wouldn't let the undertakers lower the casket into the ground. She wouldn't let go of the casket there at the gravesite. That fucked everyone up. My friends and I went out and bought 2 cases of Corona.and drained them in a friend's backyard.
3. A car in front of me on the highway hit a rabbit. I pulled over to check the rabbit out. Sometimes if you get to a hit animal before a minute or two passes, you will find that the animal has been knocked unconscious and is not breathing -- but pressure on the chest can stimulate the lungs and restart breathing. This was not the case with the rabbit -- she was in her death throes -- probably a broken neck.
4. On my way back from NC, I wanted to drive past my town and on to D.C., to the house of a man with a tattooed shoulder and cobalt eyes. But I'm hyperconscious of people's space. Boheme is a handful to have rolling up in your space on a Sunday night. So I stayed on course. Am I overly cautious and lack spontaneity, or am I afraid of rejection?
5. I was trying to think how many times I've actually been in love. If I understand what that means, it's two times. Both ended badly. Must a girl steel herself against that riptide of emotions?
6. Remember Harold and Maude? "Go out and love some more."

5) Such a waste of time and energy. That stuff will kill you.
6) Never seen it. Can't agree with that sentiment though. Still want to watch the movie, regardless.
I own a boxer pup and take really good care of it!