I called into a radio show last night to say my piece in defense of Pit Bull Terriers, and at the end of my rant, I said something to the effect of we need to break up the pit bull fighting rings to decrease the demand for puppies who are bought for behavioral modification. The show host's response: "Hey, remember that song from the 70s: 'Everybody was Pit Bull Fighting'?"
Visions of SG burlesque are still in my head two days after the D.C. show. Those Girls were splendrous. I wish I were as young.
Visions of SG burlesque are still in my head two days after the D.C. show. Those Girls were splendrous. I wish I were as young.

Boo! LOL. Checking out that book you recommended. BRB.
I hope all is well
how is the move coming along? I am sorry for not keeping in touch lately it is hard to do when I am traveling. I just wanted to pop in and see how things are going.