So here's an update on the situation next door.
The evil neighbors have moved out, but the house remains for sale. Apparently, nobody wants to live in a house that (1) is unattractive and (2) has a yard that has been completely trashed.
The kicker is this: the dogs are still there tied up in the yard. Someone rolls by in the evening to throw down food. Then rolls away.
So, Boheme, since the people are no longer there, why don't you just go over there and cut those chains and get those dogs to the vet? Well, the property is still in the evil folk's name. As long as that is the case, I still have a restraining order against me. So, what does a girl do? Wait it out? Or just do the job? Or enlist some friends to do it? Hmmm. My mind is on overdrive; I've been awake for 36 hours. It's hard being a creature of the daytime as well as a creature of the night.
The evil neighbors have moved out, but the house remains for sale. Apparently, nobody wants to live in a house that (1) is unattractive and (2) has a yard that has been completely trashed.
The kicker is this: the dogs are still there tied up in the yard. Someone rolls by in the evening to throw down food. Then rolls away.
So, Boheme, since the people are no longer there, why don't you just go over there and cut those chains and get those dogs to the vet? Well, the property is still in the evil folk's name. As long as that is the case, I still have a restraining order against me. So, what does a girl do? Wait it out? Or just do the job? Or enlist some friends to do it? Hmmm. My mind is on overdrive; I've been awake for 36 hours. It's hard being a creature of the daytime as well as a creature of the night.

I have to agree you do have nice legs, and a smoking hot bod
. I hope your weekend went well and that you arent in jail for stealing those dogs lol. Hope to hear from ya

I would even fly out for those poor dogs that is some cold shit tell me what happens. I must know what the status of the dogs turns out.