well i am still in italy. been here for awhile now. i was in prague for about aweek doing some work, and that city was amazing, i ddint get to see much cause of wrk but what i did see was amazing. been staying in milano for most of my time here in italy. my family here is great, and i have lots of cousins to take me out. went to see pisa,roma, firenze, venizia, assizi, cremona, and some other places. its great here, it was hot for awhile but the past few days started gettign cooler. the girls here are unbelievable too. so sexy but alot its hard to comuncate with them, since i dont speak too much italian. but i am getting around ok. i should be heading back to the states in about a week or less. i am able to get to a computer now so i can type some folks back see ya when i see ya
dont have too much fun cause you know. stuff.
well, luke wilson is pretty hot for a guy that doesn't look like a girl