Fog fog go away come again some other day........Looks like it will burn off soon. I went for a great run this morning. There is nothing like a little self flagellation to clear the mind. I really did beat up the ole body....and glady sweat out the toxins of the week. Hopefully some waves will kick up today or tomorrow, based on the weather reports I have a feeling that even using the long board will be futile though.....
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 20, 2006
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm well another day another pain in the ass at work....ugh… -
Saturday Jul 15, 2006
Fog fog go away come again some other day........Looks like it will b… -
Tuesday Jul 11, 2006
Have you ever noticed that sometimes the things that you used to thin… -
Thursday Jul 06, 2006
WOO HOO! the weekend approaches. I can't wait. I never thought that … -
Monday Jul 03, 2006
Oh where oh where has my weekend gone.... The gods have graced me wi… -
Thursday Jun 29, 2006
I got up this morning and communed with nature before work. I throug… -
Wednesday Jun 28, 2006
Today was such a downer returning to work after such a great day at t… -
Tuesday Jun 27, 2006
WELL finally...I made the command decision today to take the day off.… -
Saturday Jun 24, 2006
Well what can I most recent entries are starting to sound li… -
Wednesday Jun 21, 2006
I can't believe how perfect the day is.....I had breakfast on the dec…