back again. didn't get the kayak group but not bummed. too busy working, on the water, playing with the kids, doing diy, beggin' my milf for a shag and gettin' stoned to foocus on the negative.

i'll wear them down with my persistence

yeah, that should work, given time.....
Hey bro, i looked at the link and saw it was glass - I don't like the glass ones, they stay hot for too long.
Check out my favourite (and Zentrixter's) portable vape: vaporgenie

Hope you are well! wink
haha, well as soon as i get paid, i'm gonna get some bud in. won't be smoking quite as heavily as before (well, not to begin with at least) biggrin

and i can't afford a mac. plus, i think they're way too expensive for what they are. for the same money i could build a system that'd pwn just about anything. plus i'm not too keen on the styling of them. too clinical for my taste.

take care bro
Just applied for a kayak group, hoping it is accepted. I've been reading through comments in different groups and i know you paddle lovers are out there!

On the home front, the neighbours are total stoners. What are the odds??
Thats a topic i must post, one of these days.

Kids started back in school last week so its been a bit crazy. I'd been...
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Ok, so i've finally got around to writing a bit more. Finally got broadband about a week ago after years of dial up and i might start using the net a bit more now that it doesn't take all day!!
The last few months have been crazy busy so i haven't had time to be here much anyway.
Since january, we've moved house, had another...
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I haven't got around to doing a blog yet but I'll get to it soon. Still trying to figure out how to upload photos so y'all can see what i look like. Might be better if i don't show any pics at all!