well it feels like it sucks to be me today
i went out last night with a few mates to the Crown, a big rock venue on thursdays, hoping to see a girl i met last week who i know slightly, and to get ratted drunk.
so the girl never appeared, which i was bummed about, but just to make things worse my ex appeared and wouldnt talk, and then two lasses i was close with walk in... with their huge boyfriends (who happen to be in a band i played with, and they slagged us off)
it sucks being single, and unlucky in love

i went out last night with a few mates to the Crown, a big rock venue on thursdays, hoping to see a girl i met last week who i know slightly, and to get ratted drunk.
so the girl never appeared, which i was bummed about, but just to make things worse my ex appeared and wouldnt talk, and then two lasses i was close with walk in... with their huge boyfriends (who happen to be in a band i played with, and they slagged us off)
it sucks being single, and unlucky in love

where were u on friday?