well.... im poor again, but what a weekend!
thursday started it off with a usual rock night excursion, followed by house partying til 8am...at the train station *cough*
friday i was "ill" from work, so me n my mate J went to, supposedly, the Best friday rock/alt/indie club in boro, safe to say i stood out in 3/4 lengths n shirt, as everyone else had generic indie/emo cut #2,3 n 5, and all looked like a H&M advert..... origional.
then saturday i worked my ass off, but hey, todays sunday, and the Town close to me's holding a free festival !clicky here with FUCKING SKINDRED!! and ZEBRAHEAD!! not too shabby, Middlesbrough, non too shabby...
...off to get pissed, and yes, i'm writing this at 10 to 10 in the morning, thats how good this day is
thursday started it off with a usual rock night excursion, followed by house partying til 8am...at the train station *cough*
friday i was "ill" from work, so me n my mate J went to, supposedly, the Best friday rock/alt/indie club in boro, safe to say i stood out in 3/4 lengths n shirt, as everyone else had generic indie/emo cut #2,3 n 5, and all looked like a H&M advert..... origional.
then saturday i worked my ass off, but hey, todays sunday, and the Town close to me's holding a free festival !clicky here with FUCKING SKINDRED!! and ZEBRAHEAD!! not too shabby, Middlesbrough, non too shabby...
...off to get pissed, and yes, i'm writing this at 10 to 10 in the morning, thats how good this day is
Ah, good ol' Borofest. I went a few years back and the headliners were...erm, Space.
Ah well, can't win 'em all...