I personally don't have a problem with girls who are confident. I like it when they know they are looking good and feeling good and just going with the flow, I think that's just being honest and at ease with self. It's also VERY SEXY!
What I find irritating and off putting though, is beautiful confident girls feeling as though they are entitled or in a position to judge others like they are some kind of authority.....Sorry, but straight away you just morphed into an ugly mole I can't stand to be around! (Let it be known this rant is not regarding anyone on this site - far from it)
Why can't we just be a little more respectful and considerate towards others huh??? It's not even hard to do!
Let's celebrate the positive things about eachother and cut the judgemental B.S. - Love spreads Love
What I find irritating and off putting though, is beautiful confident girls feeling as though they are entitled or in a position to judge others like they are some kind of authority.....Sorry, but straight away you just morphed into an ugly mole I can't stand to be around! (Let it be known this rant is not regarding anyone on this site - far from it)
Why can't we just be a little more respectful and considerate towards others huh??? It's not even hard to do!
Let's celebrate the positive things about eachother and cut the judgemental B.S. - Love spreads Love
And I totally agree with your opinion in this blog!!
I love playing with tools. Haha. And yes, I left the barcode sticker on the hammer. It'll eventually wear itself off, but until then, it stays on! I'm pretty savvy with home improvement stuff, but I always love input and feedback on how to be better at things. Thanks for your comment on my blog!