The nights are so hot here, but the sunsets are beautiful. I'm lucky enough to have a biiiig park out the back of the house that is bordered with large assorted varieties of trees. At dusk every evening hundreds of birds pile in from the east and roost in the trees for the night. You could set a timer too it! But it is so beautiful they all have a little squabble over the premium spots then have conversations amongst themselves through the trees. I sit on the top deck of the house and observe and listen with beer and weed close at hand, admiring the warm glow and colours ebbing over the green hills in the distance.
This place is so massive, swimming pool, bar, pool room, huge t.v. rigged up to that I-Cloud thingy, Ps3, good beer....but it really isn't worth much when your by yourself with no-one to share it with....not even any dogs in this house!
Anyways I'm not bad buzzing, I appreciate the simple things in life, it could just be a bit better is all.
This place is so massive, swimming pool, bar, pool room, huge t.v. rigged up to that I-Cloud thingy, Ps3, good beer....but it really isn't worth much when your by yourself with no-one to share it with....not even any dogs in this house!
Anyways I'm not bad buzzing, I appreciate the simple things in life, it could just be a bit better is all.