I got touchups done on two of my tattoos today. On both the one on my back and the one on my chest. Michelle and I both agree that they look SSSOOO much better. She didn't think that they needed to be touched up before I went, but after seeing the results, she agreed with me that it was a good idea. Surprisingly enough, when he was doing my chest first, it didn't really hurt that bad at all. It honestly wasn't that bad at all. When he moved to my back though, that's when the pain started. It didn't hurt too much at first, but it quickly became REALLY painful. It sucked. My back is still hurting really bad. My chest hurts a little, but my back hurts way more. Probably because my back one is actually pretty big while my chest one is a medium sized one.
I'm a bit worried about how they came out though. I have "Drug Free" across my chest, and it seems that the "D" and "F" came out too dark. It's probably just because of the blood and it was just done and everything. I hope. I want my pink to be pink and not like a dark pink/light purplish color. My back looks almost perfect except for an area of black that looks kind of discolored. I'm hoping it's because of the blood/healing thing again, but I'm not sure. If it looks bad, I can always just go back and get that little bit worked on.
Liz and I hung out two nights ago and we played billiards down at the billiard hall with Frank, Bill, and Andrew. It sucked pretty bad. The guy who owns the place kept smoking in the same room
It was pretty funny though, because Frank refused to pay $10 for an hour's worth of play for us. Nobody else had any money, so he ended up spending $5 for a 30 minutes. The funny part was that we took 30 minutes playing one game! LOL. So basically he spend $5 on one game. I made the game winning shot! So that was pretty cool.
Liz and I hung out last night too. It was really fun. We were going to rent Tank Girl, but they didn't have it, so we ended up getting some weird movie. I forgot what it was called, it was pretty interesting though. It made me cry a couple of times. I'm not sure why I was so emotional. It was a really dumb movie and shouldn't have got to me at all, but it did. I don't know, I guess I was just in a weird mood last night.
Today was a cool day. I only had to work until 2 because I asked for the rest of the day off. I normally wouldn't have scheduled my tattoo touchup on a day I had to work, but I thought my days off were Monday & Tuesday when they were actually Wednesday & Thursday. So I usually work from 8-5. I asked from 2-5 off, so I was only working 8-2. They missed up on my lunch time and scheduled it from 1:30-2 for some odd reason. So instead of working 8-2 with a lunch break in the middle, I only worked from 8-1:30 and then just went home.
I picked Shelley up, we went and got my touch ups done came back to my house. Had some fun, played some video games, watched some movies then I brought her home. Now I'm just typing here updating my journal and playing with Ben. Hopefully this comes out alright, I've been distracted between this, Ben, and the TV. Waiting for Adult Swim to begin. I'm watching the Real World right now. Usually I love this show, but haven't been able to get into the Philedelphia one. It's weird because I was born in Philly and I know like next to nothing about it. We only lived there for a couple of years so I guess I shouldn't really remember. A couple of my aunts and uncles live in Pennsylvania so I've rode through Philly before but didn't really do any sight-seeing. I did see the hospital I was born in, but not too much beyond that of any interest.
My arms are starting to hurt due to the position I have to sit in to type. They don't really hurt it's more of a tiredness ache kind of deal, I don't know. I'm going to lay down, maybe play some video games, go to bed, blah blah blah. Later
I'm a bit worried about how they came out though. I have "Drug Free" across my chest, and it seems that the "D" and "F" came out too dark. It's probably just because of the blood and it was just done and everything. I hope. I want my pink to be pink and not like a dark pink/light purplish color. My back looks almost perfect except for an area of black that looks kind of discolored. I'm hoping it's because of the blood/healing thing again, but I'm not sure. If it looks bad, I can always just go back and get that little bit worked on.
Liz and I hung out two nights ago and we played billiards down at the billiard hall with Frank, Bill, and Andrew. It sucked pretty bad. The guy who owns the place kept smoking in the same room

Liz and I hung out last night too. It was really fun. We were going to rent Tank Girl, but they didn't have it, so we ended up getting some weird movie. I forgot what it was called, it was pretty interesting though. It made me cry a couple of times. I'm not sure why I was so emotional. It was a really dumb movie and shouldn't have got to me at all, but it did. I don't know, I guess I was just in a weird mood last night.
Today was a cool day. I only had to work until 2 because I asked for the rest of the day off. I normally wouldn't have scheduled my tattoo touchup on a day I had to work, but I thought my days off were Monday & Tuesday when they were actually Wednesday & Thursday. So I usually work from 8-5. I asked from 2-5 off, so I was only working 8-2. They missed up on my lunch time and scheduled it from 1:30-2 for some odd reason. So instead of working 8-2 with a lunch break in the middle, I only worked from 8-1:30 and then just went home.
I picked Shelley up, we went and got my touch ups done came back to my house. Had some fun, played some video games, watched some movies then I brought her home. Now I'm just typing here updating my journal and playing with Ben. Hopefully this comes out alright, I've been distracted between this, Ben, and the TV. Waiting for Adult Swim to begin. I'm watching the Real World right now. Usually I love this show, but haven't been able to get into the Philedelphia one. It's weird because I was born in Philly and I know like next to nothing about it. We only lived there for a couple of years so I guess I shouldn't really remember. A couple of my aunts and uncles live in Pennsylvania so I've rode through Philly before but didn't really do any sight-seeing. I did see the hospital I was born in, but not too much beyond that of any interest.
My arms are starting to hurt due to the position I have to sit in to type. They don't really hurt it's more of a tiredness ache kind of deal, I don't know. I'm going to lay down, maybe play some video games, go to bed, blah blah blah. Later