So yeah, sorry I haven't updated in a while. Things have been pretty boring anyway. Frank (Fungus), Andrew, and I went to Syracuse on Wednesday. I bought some awesome stuff. I bought a Slayer CD, Comeback Kid's new CD, and Manhunt. I still haven't played Manhunt, too busy playing Metal Gear Solid 3 when I do have time to play games. We ended up eating at Hooters. There hottest wings (911) are not that hot at all, that made me kind of sad. We ended up asking why some of them wear white, and some black, I guess they coordinate depunding on what shift they're on and what day of the week it is. I also asked Michelle (she was not there, but later) about if she thought it was degrading to work at Hooters. We both had the same conclusion that it's really pathetic when you get hired somewhere just because of the size of your breasts and nothing else. So I guess if Michelle had bigger breasts, she would still not work at Hooters. Good for her.
We originally went to Syracuse so Frank could see his X, Sarah. She ditched him (us) like I knew and said she would, so no big surprise there. Frank surprisingly enough didn't seem too upset about it, I was almost certain that he would.
After we got back from Syracuse like 5 or 6, I spend the rest of the night (until like midnight) cleaning my room for Michelle. It sucked wicked bad, but it looks really good. I also have speakers hooked up to my laptop so it sounds really good!
I also got my crappy desktop set back up. I'm going to burn all the important stuff (mp3s) to a CD and then put Linux on it instead of Windows to see what all the fuss is about and whatnot. I know nothing about programming, but I've just heard that Linux is 8 times better with security and not having to ever update and whatnot. Problem will probably lay with compatability and whatnot.
Even though Michelle technically came home on Wednesday, I first saw her on Thursday because she got back at almost 11. It was so awesome seeing her again, I missed her so much. We went to Cracker Barrel, I hate that place so much. They don't have any good food, and people stared at me
Then we bought Pez dispensers, so that was fun. Mine is this wicked awesome worm, Michelle got a clown, LOL. Then we went back to my house, and "got to know each other" again. That was mad fun. We did that quite a few times actually. Then we watched The Gate. That movie is so awesome, everyone should watch it immediately. We got pizza and wings that night too. It was really awesome. It was one of my favorite days of the year, it was not only awesome to see her again, but we had tons of fun.
Right now, I'm on my lunch break from work, I have to go back in a bit, but I'm hanging out with Michelle after work, so that'll be fun again. My mom & dad are both MIA so Michelle is cooking me dinner
She's cooking healthy because I've decided that I'm getting fat. Not only are some of my rings a HUGE pain to get off (so much in fact that I'm not currently wearing them) and my mom told me that my sister said I was getting a stomach (called me fat). So, I went for a run last night. I ran a half mile and felt like I was going to die, so I went home. I'm going to keep running or doing situps/pushups every night. I've made it my goal to run a half mile 3 times a week, and do 10 minutes of situps and 10 minutes of pushups on the other nights. I know it's not going to do too much, but I'll eventually increase the amount once I get used to it and whatnot. I don't want to get muscular or anything, I just want to lose some weight. I'm getting fat
It makes me really sad. Maybe I should just become balemic
Just kidding, I would never even consider that. I don't think that I could actually make myself puke.
Well I have to go back to work now, I might update later, but I pretty much said everything that was going on anyway. By the way, Jinxed is an awesome band. They're kind of popish and girlish, but I still think that they're awesome. I've talked to the singer on Yahoo! quite a few times, so I recommend checking them out. Really catchy.
We originally went to Syracuse so Frank could see his X, Sarah. She ditched him (us) like I knew and said she would, so no big surprise there. Frank surprisingly enough didn't seem too upset about it, I was almost certain that he would.
After we got back from Syracuse like 5 or 6, I spend the rest of the night (until like midnight) cleaning my room for Michelle. It sucked wicked bad, but it looks really good. I also have speakers hooked up to my laptop so it sounds really good!

Even though Michelle technically came home on Wednesday, I first saw her on Thursday because she got back at almost 11. It was so awesome seeing her again, I missed her so much. We went to Cracker Barrel, I hate that place so much. They don't have any good food, and people stared at me

Right now, I'm on my lunch break from work, I have to go back in a bit, but I'm hanging out with Michelle after work, so that'll be fun again. My mom & dad are both MIA so Michelle is cooking me dinner

Well I have to go back to work now, I might update later, but I pretty much said everything that was going on anyway. By the way, Jinxed is an awesome band. They're kind of popish and girlish, but I still think that they're awesome. I've talked to the singer on Yahoo! quite a few times, so I recommend checking them out. Really catchy.
Why tf would you go to crackerbarrell if they're teh suck, dude? Just to get stared at?
If you want to hold eachother accountable for exercise, I'm game! 40 pounds did not drop itself, and I'll be damned if I'm going to gain those bastards back again!
WTF is the gate about? Do we really need to know how often you're urm getting to know your girlfriend?