Sunday night was interesting. Frank, Liz and I were hanging out again and we went to our local Price Chopper. There's this dousche that works there that we all hate with a passion that burns inside of us. This guy has been the night crew cash register guy for 13 years. Anyway, everytime we go there he feels the need to be completely useless and engage in hours (exaggerated) of noninteresting babble. Frank wanted to buy some more OJ with extra pulp in it. So, Liz and I go in with him, but when he goes to cash out, there's like 4 people ahead of him (kind of odd for like 11 at night) so Liz and I decide to wait in Frankenfish's car to avoid the dousche. Anyways, once inside the car, Liz starts acting really weird. Doesn't really talk, and acts weird. When Frankenfish gets back she says how she wants to go home. So, Frank drives us to my house (where Liz's car is). We get out, Frankenfish leaves, and I go up to her and ask her if she's alright and stuff. She says that she's never alright. I got to hug her, comfort her or whatever and she gets into her car. So, I'm trying to talk to her through her open door, and she ends up just closing the door. So, I go inside. Next day rolls around, Liz is her usual bright & cheery self and is acting like nothig happens. She actually asks me if I'm feeling any better than yesterday. I don't know, I was not talking that night because she was acting weird and not talking. So anyways, it's all good again and nothing to worry about... I hope. Didn't really talk to her too much yesterday either, so I don't know.
I bought Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater last night. Good game. I haven't been able to play too much though. There's way too much story in it. Frankenfish would LOVE this game, he's all about the story stuff and everything. It's also kind of easy, I was on the very easy difficulty, but still. The first mission you have to reach this building, and you're supposed to do it undetected. I ended up getting caught, and just ran to the building and survived with hardly taking any damage. When you die it puts you right back where you were, with full health, and if you were in an alarm stage, it's gone. Makes it a bit easy, but it's still a fun game, at least the like 20 minutes of 2 hours I had the game on that I was actually playing and not watching/listening to a story. I'm definitely anxious to play some more once I get off of work (I'm just on my lunch break right now).
Michelle and I got into a little fight yesterday. I told her when my lunch break was multiple times, and when I went on my break, called her like 5 times and she didn't pick up. She eventually did and told me that she forgot about the time difference and what not. I over reacted as usual and we ended up fighting. We did make up, and everything is cool now and everything, and we're doing good. I'm going to stop being such a drama queen and going to stop blowing everything out of proportion. I'm not going to care so much what she does, and I'm going to be the best boyfriend possible. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm just going to have to accept that. Hopefully I live up to this, I've tried before and it didn't really work. Hopefully, before she comes back tomorrow (not going to see her until Thursday) I can be a more caring, easy going, passive boyfriend. Even if it means pretending like I don't care about her as much, I'm really going to try and change. I know I can do it, I just haven't done it yet. This time I'm going to, I hope. Well, I guess we'll see what comes of it.
If anyone cares, 70% of the people we polled at my place of employement, said that they would rather walk through spleen than chicken urine. (I was part of that 70%)
I'll probably post again later, not having too many plans for today. Frank and I might hang out later. I think he wanted to do something today, but I can't remember what... Tomorrow is clean my room for Shelley day and perhaps purchase her a coming home gift. Frank also has tomorrow off, we'll also be hanging out like crazy. I can't wait for Shelley to come home tomorrow, and see her on Thursday, it's going to be awesome. I love her so much and she's so great!
I bought Metal Gear Solid 3:Snake Eater last night. Good game. I haven't been able to play too much though. There's way too much story in it. Frankenfish would LOVE this game, he's all about the story stuff and everything. It's also kind of easy, I was on the very easy difficulty, but still. The first mission you have to reach this building, and you're supposed to do it undetected. I ended up getting caught, and just ran to the building and survived with hardly taking any damage. When you die it puts you right back where you were, with full health, and if you were in an alarm stage, it's gone. Makes it a bit easy, but it's still a fun game, at least the like 20 minutes of 2 hours I had the game on that I was actually playing and not watching/listening to a story. I'm definitely anxious to play some more once I get off of work (I'm just on my lunch break right now).
Michelle and I got into a little fight yesterday. I told her when my lunch break was multiple times, and when I went on my break, called her like 5 times and she didn't pick up. She eventually did and told me that she forgot about the time difference and what not. I over reacted as usual and we ended up fighting. We did make up, and everything is cool now and everything, and we're doing good. I'm going to stop being such a drama queen and going to stop blowing everything out of proportion. I'm not going to care so much what she does, and I'm going to be the best boyfriend possible. Everyone makes mistakes, and I'm just going to have to accept that. Hopefully I live up to this, I've tried before and it didn't really work. Hopefully, before she comes back tomorrow (not going to see her until Thursday) I can be a more caring, easy going, passive boyfriend. Even if it means pretending like I don't care about her as much, I'm really going to try and change. I know I can do it, I just haven't done it yet. This time I'm going to, I hope. Well, I guess we'll see what comes of it.
If anyone cares, 70% of the people we polled at my place of employement, said that they would rather walk through spleen than chicken urine. (I was part of that 70%)
I'll probably post again later, not having too many plans for today. Frank and I might hang out later. I think he wanted to do something today, but I can't remember what... Tomorrow is clean my room for Shelley day and perhaps purchase her a coming home gift. Frank also has tomorrow off, we'll also be hanging out like crazy. I can't wait for Shelley to come home tomorrow, and see her on Thursday, it's going to be awesome. I love her so much and she's so great!
Yeeha. Bedtime