So yeah, today is going really good, a HUGE turn around from yesterday. Today I'm not missing Michelle that much
I'm not even caring that she hasn't called me yet and I've been done with work for 30 minutes. Well, obviously since I mentioned it, I am caring a little, but it's not bothering me!
Last night I picked Liz up and we drove around for a while. We ended up in Price Chopper where she bought a bunch of snack foods. Then we went to McDonald's where she got a happy meal and I got a double quarter pounder. We then went to my friend Frankenfish's where we watched Mean Girls and chilled. It was really fun. Frankenfish pretended to have never seen it before even though it was his movie. It was pretty dumb and way too stereotypical. I wouldn't mind watching it again though, it wasn't too bad. Liz and I were originally going to watch a movie at my house, but Frankenfish lured me over to his house with promises of extra pulpy OJ
The OJ ended up being semi-frozen, but it was still delicious!
When I woke up this morning at 6:30
I didn't feel sick for the first time since I've started working the morning shift, which has been exactly a week today, so that was really cool. I spiked my hair today, and it came out pretty good. I only used 5 spikes today, and the very last spike at the back of my head actually came out good today. That spike and the middle spike are ALWAYS the most difficult spikes and almost impossible some days. So yeah, that made my day really happy too.
At work I was doing my e-mails extra fast so we could run out of them. Everyone is probably a little pissed at me, but after we got done, Chaun (my supervisor) jokingly asked if anyone wanted to vacuum. Sam and I both volunteered to do it seriously. Chaun wanted us to do fax reports and nonsense so Sam and I both asked if we could do manual cleaning labor. Other agents from the phones were doing it because I guess our call center has important prospective clients coming tomorrow so they want the place looking really good. So, Sam and I got to goof off and "clean" and perform manual labors around the building. It was so much fun. We even uncovered a deep, dark secret that has been locked away in the caverns of the call center. THEY MELT THE ICE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING WITH CHICKEN URINE!!! We were told it was cow urine, but we got to the bottom of it, and it is in fact actually chicken urine. Then, we told Chaun about it, and he said that it wasn't that gross. He said he would rather walk through chicken urine than spleen. Sam and I both preferred spleen to chicken urine. That led us to a poll, we asked random people around the building if they would rather walk through chicken urine or spleen.
WHICH ONE WOULD YOU RATHER WALK THROUGH, CHICKEN URINE, OR SPLEEN? I'll post the results tomorrow if anybody cares.
Sam is an old friend of mine. I used to play in this band called Split 36. It was me on bass, Josh on guitar and singing, and Randy on drums. Randy was my X (at the time girlfriend) of 3 year's brother. Sam was kind of like our groupie. He didn't have sex with us or anything like that, he was just always hanging around us and was like our biggest fan. He was best friends with Josh and they were always causing some sort of mischief in school. Sam is balding already, it's pretty funny. He's engaged, and his woman is pregnant, it's a boy apparently.
It makes me stop and wonder if I'm behind in life. Should I be slowing down, getting married, having kids, that sort of things? I'm still living at home, and not really doing anything. Yes, I have a serious girlfriend of 2 years (off and on). Yes, I plan on going back to college in August. Other than that though, I don't really have any long term plans for my life too much. I know that everyone keeps saying it doesn't matter where you are in life, and blah blah blah. It just bothers me though that everyone my age is getting married, having kids and everything like that.
I'm sure that anyone reading this is going to be bored to tears by now, so I'll stop writing... for now... muah ha ha ha

Last night I picked Liz up and we drove around for a while. We ended up in Price Chopper where she bought a bunch of snack foods. Then we went to McDonald's where she got a happy meal and I got a double quarter pounder. We then went to my friend Frankenfish's where we watched Mean Girls and chilled. It was really fun. Frankenfish pretended to have never seen it before even though it was his movie. It was pretty dumb and way too stereotypical. I wouldn't mind watching it again though, it wasn't too bad. Liz and I were originally going to watch a movie at my house, but Frankenfish lured me over to his house with promises of extra pulpy OJ

When I woke up this morning at 6:30

At work I was doing my e-mails extra fast so we could run out of them. Everyone is probably a little pissed at me, but after we got done, Chaun (my supervisor) jokingly asked if anyone wanted to vacuum. Sam and I both volunteered to do it seriously. Chaun wanted us to do fax reports and nonsense so Sam and I both asked if we could do manual cleaning labor. Other agents from the phones were doing it because I guess our call center has important prospective clients coming tomorrow so they want the place looking really good. So, Sam and I got to goof off and "clean" and perform manual labors around the building. It was so much fun. We even uncovered a deep, dark secret that has been locked away in the caverns of the call center. THEY MELT THE ICE IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING WITH CHICKEN URINE!!! We were told it was cow urine, but we got to the bottom of it, and it is in fact actually chicken urine. Then, we told Chaun about it, and he said that it wasn't that gross. He said he would rather walk through chicken urine than spleen. Sam and I both preferred spleen to chicken urine. That led us to a poll, we asked random people around the building if they would rather walk through chicken urine or spleen.
WHICH ONE WOULD YOU RATHER WALK THROUGH, CHICKEN URINE, OR SPLEEN? I'll post the results tomorrow if anybody cares.
Sam is an old friend of mine. I used to play in this band called Split 36. It was me on bass, Josh on guitar and singing, and Randy on drums. Randy was my X (at the time girlfriend) of 3 year's brother. Sam was kind of like our groupie. He didn't have sex with us or anything like that, he was just always hanging around us and was like our biggest fan. He was best friends with Josh and they were always causing some sort of mischief in school. Sam is balding already, it's pretty funny. He's engaged, and his woman is pregnant, it's a boy apparently.
It makes me stop and wonder if I'm behind in life. Should I be slowing down, getting married, having kids, that sort of things? I'm still living at home, and not really doing anything. Yes, I have a serious girlfriend of 2 years (off and on). Yes, I plan on going back to college in August. Other than that though, I don't really have any long term plans for my life too much. I know that everyone keeps saying it doesn't matter where you are in life, and blah blah blah. It just bothers me though that everyone my age is getting married, having kids and everything like that.
I'm sure that anyone reading this is going to be bored to tears by now, so I'll stop writing... for now... muah ha ha ha
There's a whole goddamn world out there where people don't wear sweatpants every day, decide not to have kids until they're at least 30, if ever, and don't plan to ever settle down. You're not behind in life. This area is at a sort of fast-forward because a lot of people up here don't HAVE more to their life than that. Think about it. A lot of these people are really really sad. They don't have serious hobbies, creative endeavors, ambitions for a professional career. They're happy if they can collect welfare, or work their job at the mill, or the store or whatever, go home, drink beer, watch whatever the rest of the mindless drones think is good on TV, lather, rinse, repeat. Don't buy into this version of "happiness" until you know what else is out there.
A kind friend once told me "You're only as lost as you feel" and you seem like the perfect person to pass that wisdom on to.
But then again if you don't feel lost, more power to you. Though if you do it's probably a good thing. It means you care enough about yourself and your life to actually consider things before just going off and doing them because it seems like what you aught to be doing, Or maybe I'm just trying to rationalize my own misery. Whatever. I'm going to fucking bed so maybe I won't flip out and get mopey tomorrow. Big fucking maybe.