So yeah, I think that I'm probably exaggerating, but I don't know. Michelle arrived in Texas today. To get there she has had to take multiple flights. I talked to her at 2:30, and she said she was getting on her last flight at 3. This one was just across the state of Texas, she was already in it. I told her to call me as soon as she got there to let me know she got home safe. She didn't call me and I was already done with work at 5. I was getting kind of nervous. I call her, voice mail, her phone is off, she must be on the plane. I call her a couple more times between this time and 5:30, voice mail all the way. I fall asleep, I wake up around 6:30 from my mom telling me dinner is ready. Still no calls from here. I call her, phone is ringing. I call her 5 times, doesn't pick up. I figure that maybe she's mad at me or something is wrong, call her house phone, her mom picks up and tells me that she called her at six, and that she has already met up with her sister and they should be home by now. I call her up again, and leave a voicemail. She calls me back a couple minutes after the voicemail. She tells me that she didn't know I called, didn't know I left her a voicemail, and also told me that she just met up with her sister. She's obviously lying to me.
It hurts me so bad that she would call up her mom so quickly, and not call me back until half an hour later, and only after I call her 5 times and leave her a voicemail. I know that if I went somewhere, she would be the first one I would call to let know that I made it there okey. I wouldn't even try and find the person I was meeting before calling her. She not only meets her sister, but she also calls her mom, and then doesn't call me at all until I call her and leave her a voicemail.
I just called her to apologize because I was kind of mean to her. She doesn't pick up, I leave her a voicemail. She finally calls me back, and tells me she didn't have a signal (phone wouldn't ring then). I tell her what I'm feeling, she completely blows it off and acts like it's nothing. I told her that I think it would be best for her if I didn't talk to her again until she got home. I know that I'm going to be miserable while she's gone, might as well not drag her down with me. She doesn't even try and resist, she's just like I'll call and leave you voicemails. I guess I want her to get upset, I want her to care, and instead she doesn't, at all, and it makes me really sad.
It probably would be best for both of us if we don't talk until she gets back home. This is only the first day of not seeing each other, and already she has made me feel like I'm nothing to her. Am I just over exaggerating? I don't think I am. Then she takes my feelings and tells me how it's not that big of a deal, and how it shouldn't matter. Blah. I feel like curling up in a ball and just dying. I've been sleeping all day because I have nothing else to do. She shouldn't talk to me until Thursday. I'm a wreck. I would be perfectly fine with doing nothing else but sleeping, and going to work until she got back. Unfortunately I know I can't do that, so I'll actually be spending my time sleeping, going to work, and crying over her
I wish that she wasn't so difficult sometimes or that I wouldn't be such a jerk, overpossive, or whatever my problem is. I wish that I could be a better boyfriend. I wish I could still be happy without her and not be so dependant on her. I wish I could be happy that she's having fun and enjoying herself even when I'm not. Instead, I'm sad and depressed because she left me and doesn't even have the decency to call me.
It hurts me so bad that she would call up her mom so quickly, and not call me back until half an hour later, and only after I call her 5 times and leave her a voicemail. I know that if I went somewhere, she would be the first one I would call to let know that I made it there okey. I wouldn't even try and find the person I was meeting before calling her. She not only meets her sister, but she also calls her mom, and then doesn't call me at all until I call her and leave her a voicemail.
I just called her to apologize because I was kind of mean to her. She doesn't pick up, I leave her a voicemail. She finally calls me back, and tells me she didn't have a signal (phone wouldn't ring then). I tell her what I'm feeling, she completely blows it off and acts like it's nothing. I told her that I think it would be best for her if I didn't talk to her again until she got home. I know that I'm going to be miserable while she's gone, might as well not drag her down with me. She doesn't even try and resist, she's just like I'll call and leave you voicemails. I guess I want her to get upset, I want her to care, and instead she doesn't, at all, and it makes me really sad.
It probably would be best for both of us if we don't talk until she gets back home. This is only the first day of not seeing each other, and already she has made me feel like I'm nothing to her. Am I just over exaggerating? I don't think I am. Then she takes my feelings and tells me how it's not that big of a deal, and how it shouldn't matter. Blah. I feel like curling up in a ball and just dying. I've been sleeping all day because I have nothing else to do. She shouldn't talk to me until Thursday. I'm a wreck. I would be perfectly fine with doing nothing else but sleeping, and going to work until she got back. Unfortunately I know I can't do that, so I'll actually be spending my time sleeping, going to work, and crying over her

I wish that she wasn't so difficult sometimes or that I wouldn't be such a jerk, overpossive, or whatever my problem is. I wish that I could be a better boyfriend. I wish I could still be happy without her and not be so dependant on her. I wish I could be happy that she's having fun and enjoying herself even when I'm not. Instead, I'm sad and depressed because she left me and doesn't even have the decency to call me.
no, doesn't sound like you're over-exagerating.
hang in there.