Chinese Restaurant
Current mood: artistic
I take the kids to the chinese restaurant in the red wagon to sit in the garden of the starched white tablecloths under the paper lanterns smeared with black calligraphy no one else there but the host and his mother the waitress they don't have any boosterseats nor do they have any juice his mother the waitress brings Coke in little porcelain teacups "Are there spirits in China?" the boy wants to know..."What?" I ask, trying to read about Art and Music in the Time magazine I bought at Von's. "ARE THERE SPIRITS IN CHINA?" he says more loudly, while his three-year old sister sits on her knees and looks through the heavy menu for any pictures of Barbie with chopsticks. "I don't know...that's just pretend," I say. Is he talking about the country or the restaurant? I don't even think he knows that there is a country beyond the restaurant. "No, like in the movie..." I finally understand. He's talking about Spirited Away, the animated movie about a Japanese bathouse where the clientele are all ghosts...I should applaud him for the inference but don't and try to go back to reading. The food comes and there's way too much of it sweet and sour chicken and all the kids want is white rice which they proceed to drop on the floor with their spoons "I don't like the black rice," the little girl says...none of us do none of us do I think...too many leftovers to take home and the kids clamoring for fortune cookies the little boy's fortune says "You will soon change your line of work," and the little girl's says "The man of your dreams will soon appear," and mine says "There is more to life than Art and Music."
Current mood: artistic
I take the kids to the chinese restaurant in the red wagon to sit in the garden of the starched white tablecloths under the paper lanterns smeared with black calligraphy no one else there but the host and his mother the waitress they don't have any boosterseats nor do they have any juice his mother the waitress brings Coke in little porcelain teacups "Are there spirits in China?" the boy wants to know..."What?" I ask, trying to read about Art and Music in the Time magazine I bought at Von's. "ARE THERE SPIRITS IN CHINA?" he says more loudly, while his three-year old sister sits on her knees and looks through the heavy menu for any pictures of Barbie with chopsticks. "I don't know...that's just pretend," I say. Is he talking about the country or the restaurant? I don't even think he knows that there is a country beyond the restaurant. "No, like in the movie..." I finally understand. He's talking about Spirited Away, the animated movie about a Japanese bathouse where the clientele are all ghosts...I should applaud him for the inference but don't and try to go back to reading. The food comes and there's way too much of it sweet and sour chicken and all the kids want is white rice which they proceed to drop on the floor with their spoons "I don't like the black rice," the little girl says...none of us do none of us do I think...too many leftovers to take home and the kids clamoring for fortune cookies the little boy's fortune says "You will soon change your line of work," and the little girl's says "The man of your dreams will soon appear," and mine says "There is more to life than Art and Music."
sometimes when isee little kids, i get so nostalgic that i could cry.