I am Back.
Hello. I had a Fucking amazing, Nay Fucking Super Amazing Time in Florida. It is the awesome.
I'm looking at my profile picture right now. I don't look like that. That dude looks well weird. I'm going to change that later.
Anyway. Florida is awesome, Dotty and I loved it. London is poo.
Anyway I'm back and should be doing housework right...
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Hello. I had a Fucking amazing, Nay Fucking Super Amazing Time in Florida. It is the awesome.
I'm looking at my profile picture right now. I don't look like that. That dude looks well weird. I'm going to change that later.
Anyway. Florida is awesome, Dotty and I loved it. London is poo.
Anyway I'm back and should be doing housework right...
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I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty, I miss Dotty,
I got back from my Mum and Dads about three hours ago.
Our flat is empty and quiet. i dont like it.
I went to...
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I got back from my Mum and Dads about three hours ago.
Our flat is empty and quiet. i dont like it.
I went to...
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hey i really like your paintings, any chance I can buy one?
Come home from work you smelly bum and help me tidy up!! I look like this
right now. Yes, I look like a skull. Because;
1. There was a lot of dust in the flat so now my hair is all dusty and most of my face is grey or has dirt smudges on it.
2. I have done so much housework and exercise I am wasting away. Yes that's right, I'm nearly a skeleton!!
p.s I may have been lying about the second one.

1. There was a lot of dust in the flat so now my hair is all dusty and most of my face is grey or has dirt smudges on it.
2. I have done so much housework and exercise I am wasting away. Yes that's right, I'm nearly a skeleton!!

p.s I may have been lying about the second one.

Thank fuck for brothers with credit cards.
It was getting dangerous.
My girly is away. And I'm lost.
I have spent every single day. No Really. With her for the last two years. And now shes away for a week. I'm so not with it.
I am out of London for 4 days. I avoided the suicide bombers by 52 minutes.
It was getting dangerous.
My girly is away. And I'm lost.
I have spent every single day. No Really. With her for the last two years. And now shes away for a week. I'm so not with it.
I am out of London for 4 days. I avoided the suicide bombers by 52 minutes.
I work at Virgin at Piccadilly Circus. It is gay. It's also weird as I worked at Tower Records at the same spot when I left school so being back here is cool because of some of the memories but shit also, because in 8 years I am back working in a shitty record store.
I was thinking that maybe working somewhere else would be nicer. Less cunts + less hassle = nicer life!
I just wish I didn't have to work!!
So do you work in London? Where do you work?
I was thinking that maybe working somewhere else would be nicer. Less cunts + less hassle = nicer life!
I just wish I didn't have to work!!
So do you work in London? Where do you work?
An underground city? Well, I guess there are lots of secret passages and rooms and stuff out the back of the shop (the back being underground and away from the shop floor). I work in a tiny office, which is underground and has no windows too, fortunately the one person I work with isn't a cunt. Or I would be totally screwed!!
I would love to work for myself. If I could make clothes all day and make money I would be well happy!! Plus I could wallow in my solitude!
Isn't their a nearer Urban Outfitters you could work at (oxford street?) It must be a pain getting to Kensington everyday. It's the main reason I don't want to work at Virgin head office (apart from the fact I haven't sucked enough cock to get a job there!)
Hope your sunday is rocking
I would love to work for myself. If I could make clothes all day and make money I would be well happy!! Plus I could wallow in my solitude!
Isn't their a nearer Urban Outfitters you could work at (oxford street?) It must be a pain getting to Kensington everyday. It's the main reason I don't want to work at Virgin head office (apart from the fact I haven't sucked enough cock to get a job there!)
Hope your sunday is rocking

I know how you feel about socialising and stuff. It's really nice to be surprised every now and again. Love the tattoo by the way, who's it by?
Get on with the washing up you loser.
I love you,
p.s thanks for being the one to scare goose's dickhead boyfriend. i realyl really really appreciate it. a lot. but you know that alreayd i guess?
I love you,
p.s thanks for being the one to scare goose's dickhead boyfriend. i realyl really really appreciate it. a lot. but you know that alreayd i guess?

Stop wasting time on the internet and tidy up the living room please!!
And the same goes for just sitting there staring at your new tattoo!!
Love you. xx

And the same goes for just sitting there staring at your new tattoo!!

you guys rock!!!
I just did a day cover for the girly. Was most fun.
Getting to tell people that it doesn't hurt all day long.
I like my new profile picture, it wasn't taken by me that is why I like it.
Hope you all have fun at the kerrang thang tonight!
Take it easy.
Getting to tell people that it doesn't hurt all day long.
I like my new profile picture, it wasn't taken by me that is why I like it.
Hope you all have fun at the kerrang thang tonight!
Take it easy.

Later bitch. Eat your mouldy strawberries and shutup.
They have Extra Flailing Power +5.
I just wasted twenty minutes looking for a decent photo of me, they dont exsist. When someone takes a photo of me for that split second I'll like it and then every second that goes by afterwards I will dislike it more and more.....ha!
I worked out that work was unfair today. I't just suddenly came to me, you work for 5 days and get...
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I worked out that work was unfair today. I't just suddenly came to me, you work for 5 days and get...
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There you go!!!!!

That photo mate. Thing of beauty! Whats with the flat caps though, and what happened 2 the dreads actually, and the bees wax, does the world never again get to enjoy the beauty of Bobs hair and since when did u start smoking?
Big B is so so shit I hope u aint started watching. I have once and wont again it has reached new lows. I am really felling pretty confident I'm not gona do the usual and slowly get sucked in cos I hate every1 on it. That said thats what normally makes me watch.
Big B is so so shit I hope u aint started watching. I have once and wont again it has reached new lows. I am really felling pretty confident I'm not gona do the usual and slowly get sucked in cos I hate every1 on it. That said thats what normally makes me watch.
Rejection just makes me more determined......
Rudneness just makes me more angry.............
Whats meant to be will be...............................
Fucking pricks.
Hello world I'm alan Whicker.
Rudneness just makes me more angry.............
Whats meant to be will be...............................
Fucking pricks.
Hello world I'm alan Whicker.
yeah, tell me about it...
cuuuuuuuuutie poooooooootie i love you!

Explain Yourself:
Bob, 61, Tall Skinny Whiteboy
I dont regret anything, Im going to die eventually, Whats regret to a corpse?
Im nice to people I know, But if I dont like you dont take it personally its me not you.
I fucking hate liars, fakers and internet personas
I like meeting people in the flesh
I fucking hate bandwagon jumpers with a serious fucking...
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Bob, 61, Tall Skinny Whiteboy
I dont regret anything, Im going to die eventually, Whats regret to a corpse?
Im nice to people I know, But if I dont like you dont take it personally its me not you.
I fucking hate liars, fakers and internet personas
I like meeting people in the flesh
I fucking hate bandwagon jumpers with a serious fucking...
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I like meeting people in the flesh as well.
Wow. How grown-up are we?
2years old! TWO!! It still feels like a week. I can't wait till it's 20.
You're the best 'in the flesh' thing I ever did.
Happy Anniversary my you. xxx
Wow. How grown-up are we?
2years old! TWO!! It still feels like a week. I can't wait till it's 20.
You're the best 'in the flesh' thing I ever did.
Happy Anniversary my you. xxx
You don't know me for shit, intenet or flesh. random acts of kindness are a good thing. There but for the grace of god. good luck
I have just had four days off.
And tomrrow I must go back to work.
It's so bitter sweet! Four days off are awesome but by the end you dread going back to work more than if you only had two days off........
I went and saw the SG Burlesque show at the engine rooms which was really fucking good!
then spent the next two...
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And tomrrow I must go back to work.
It's so bitter sweet! Four days off are awesome but by the end you dread going back to work more than if you only had two days off........
I went and saw the SG Burlesque show at the engine rooms which was really fucking good!
then spent the next two...
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I have a box of trainers as well but that makes me happy
Sunday is the big day then its the fun of unpacking.
Once we are settled I am on a mission to find some cool paintings for my walls!
How are you?