The last two weeks have been fucking awesome.
I got attacked by crackheads who put a knife to my throat-(I should of expected that living in croydon)
I got my final written warning at work for insubordination-(Again I should of been expecting that as my managers are really really really fucking simple)
I'll eloborate on the simple-ness: They don't like me and the dude I work with we are the only guys that are left there. she has fired 7 guys since she started working there and hired 22 new girls. Which is odd. But that doesn't bother me I think thats awesome. But don't tell me in the morning that you have two girls over at oxford street that want my job and then give me a final written warning an hour later for the puniest thing. its just really really fucking obvious.
I see 'Constructive Dismissal' .......
And I stretched up to 20mm (ears) and I was finding the jewelery really uncomfortable so I took them out to let them go down to 16 or something left them over night an my left ear completely closed up and my right shrank to about a 5mm. HAHA
I'm fine though. I'm watching pop world.
The Dotty one and I spent 45 in HMV on friday and I have been making my way through a big ass pile fo DVD's.
I love Hellboy, It's such a rad fucking film. I just bid on the first Hellboy comic on ebay fingers crossed.
I'm off now I got to tidy up the flat and take the manequinne down to the basement.
I got attacked by crackheads who put a knife to my throat-(I should of expected that living in croydon)
I got my final written warning at work for insubordination-(Again I should of been expecting that as my managers are really really really fucking simple)
I'll eloborate on the simple-ness: They don't like me and the dude I work with we are the only guys that are left there. she has fired 7 guys since she started working there and hired 22 new girls. Which is odd. But that doesn't bother me I think thats awesome. But don't tell me in the morning that you have two girls over at oxford street that want my job and then give me a final written warning an hour later for the puniest thing. its just really really fucking obvious.
I see 'Constructive Dismissal' .......
And I stretched up to 20mm (ears) and I was finding the jewelery really uncomfortable so I took them out to let them go down to 16 or something left them over night an my left ear completely closed up and my right shrank to about a 5mm. HAHA
I'm fine though. I'm watching pop world.
The Dotty one and I spent 45 in HMV on friday and I have been making my way through a big ass pile fo DVD's.
I love Hellboy, It's such a rad fucking film. I just bid on the first Hellboy comic on ebay fingers crossed.
I'm off now I got to tidy up the flat and take the manequinne down to the basement.
And well done for popworld, it is a mighty fine programme.