what IS it about this time of year that makes us lonesome people even MORE lonely? us olderish people with no hubbies or kids to spoil for christmas?!
i was damn near with someone til a few days ago when we kinda blew up at each other, now im all bahhhhhhh!!!
im taking an old flame out tonight to see some christmas lights... it will be good to see him, at least we can go on and on about how sucky christmas is when you have no family or significant others
oh well, at least my house is all full of christmas tidings
fell asleep last night snuggling on the couch with my kitties by the fire, and xmas tree lights, was nice, but made me feel like the ultimate cat lady hahaha..
oh, and a big PS- ive been working on a really cool self-shot set to submit, but its an outdoor one, and when i started shooting it like 3 weeks ago, it was still warm in Fresno, NOW its 40 degrees daily, so we gotta wait just a litttttttle longer to get a warm day and ill wrap it all up!
well, for whats its worth, merry christmas!
heres some newer pics! (and some spoilers from the new set! tell me what you think!)

i was damn near with someone til a few days ago when we kinda blew up at each other, now im all bahhhhhhh!!!
im taking an old flame out tonight to see some christmas lights... it will be good to see him, at least we can go on and on about how sucky christmas is when you have no family or significant others

oh well, at least my house is all full of christmas tidings

fell asleep last night snuggling on the couch with my kitties by the fire, and xmas tree lights, was nice, but made me feel like the ultimate cat lady hahaha..
oh, and a big PS- ive been working on a really cool self-shot set to submit, but its an outdoor one, and when i started shooting it like 3 weeks ago, it was still warm in Fresno, NOW its 40 degrees daily, so we gotta wait just a litttttttle longer to get a warm day and ill wrap it all up!
well, for whats its worth, merry christmas!
heres some newer pics! (and some spoilers from the new set! tell me what you think!)

No, no, no, leave some skin showing!
Tis beautiful!!!