some recent pics i thought id share! (updates below!)

aaand for the news!
so i finally got a new shop!
and its TOTALLY my dream shop! it couldnt be more perfect and cute!
i start moving in on tuesday, so lifes been a little hectic to say the least!
the name of my new shop is Pink Pussycat Tattoo (yeah, you know you like that name!! lol)
and heres the art for my new biznass card i ordered yesterday
also, more silly mews, a few days ago i went to Costco with my friend Victoria to go get us some hot dogs. well, i was wearing that pinkish orange dress you see in those new pics, its kind of a tube top part on top. well, while i was scrounging for money to pay for my weenie, my thumb accidentally caught the top of my dress and pulled it down, exposing my ENTIRE LEFT BOOB to the cashier.
did i care?
um no. i mean hello, im on THIS SITE! lol
i didnt care til last night, when some dude that works at Costco said "yeah i heard about it at work!"
wtf people are talking about it!
dammit now ill never be able to go THERE again! hahahah
good thing fresno has like 75 Costcos lol.

aaand for the news!
so i finally got a new shop!
and its TOTALLY my dream shop! it couldnt be more perfect and cute!
i start moving in on tuesday, so lifes been a little hectic to say the least!
the name of my new shop is Pink Pussycat Tattoo (yeah, you know you like that name!! lol)
and heres the art for my new biznass card i ordered yesterday

also, more silly mews, a few days ago i went to Costco with my friend Victoria to go get us some hot dogs. well, i was wearing that pinkish orange dress you see in those new pics, its kind of a tube top part on top. well, while i was scrounging for money to pay for my weenie, my thumb accidentally caught the top of my dress and pulled it down, exposing my ENTIRE LEFT BOOB to the cashier.
did i care?
um no. i mean hello, im on THIS SITE! lol
i didnt care til last night, when some dude that works at Costco said "yeah i heard about it at work!"
wtf people are talking about it!
dammit now ill never be able to go THERE again! hahahah
good thing fresno has like 75 Costcos lol.

i WILL come get some ink done at your place...just don't let my boys at Unbreakable Tattoo in North Hollywood know, k?