These months bother me.
Months like February 2010.
The best sets were made by Hopefuls who never went Pink.
Which is a good reminder for us: SUPPORT YOUR FAVORITE HOPEFULS.
I love both Suicide Girls and Hopefuls.
What I notice about Feb. ‘10 is that SGs had “better” photography.
They found people with “good” equipment.
They probably paid them.
But four Hopefuls this month WERE THE MORE NATURAL MODELS.
Born to model.
That said, if you are looking for big, natural tits, this is not the month through which to browse in expectation.
Conversely, it was a quite good month for asses and legs.
[it was not, I’m afraid, a very good month for artful photography…good equipment ain’t enough…even “technique” ain’t enough…what gives Members the biggest boners/wide-ons are photos that are INSPIRED—those rare sets where model AND photographer bring something VERY SPECIAL to the table]
Let’s get into the good stuff, shall we?
First up, we have @kiefer in Subterfuge .
Amazing ass shots.
And those black stockings look MAGNIFICENT in contrast to her honeyed skin.
Next up was @lucine with Oil Slick .
This one has a particularly-good shot of her ass and legs from a *low angle*.
Very effective!
Also good was @friskey in Dragon Lady .
This one is worth seeing (if for no other reason than) for her miniature, conical nipple adornments.
Makes me want some of General Mills’ tasty Bugles.
Things got more seriously-good with @longhairdvampire .
Her set Bunny Love got almost 1000 likes [that was a FUCK TON for a Hopeful 14 years ago].
The star of this set is that GIGANTIC FUCKING LOLLIPOP.
Awesome set!!
Also great was @rourke in her debut Tussing Room .
Nice tits.
Very nice ass.
Crisp photography.
Pretty fucking awesome!!
Not to be overlooked was @kamy in her swan song (?) Blue Corridor .
This gal has a world-class ass and AMAZING legs.
Her milky skin looks divine against those black stockings.
But she was overlooked.
This set got 500 [sic] likes.
No wonder she hasn’t made another set in 14 years.
Tip them.
Like their sets.
Leave a nice comment on their sets.
If they go live, don’t be typing dumb shit like “show tits” or “show ass” UNLESS YOU FUCKIN’ TIPPIN’.
But I digress.
Another good set was made by @kronos .
She only made one Hopeful set.
It got almost 1000 likes.
And here it is: October Sky .
Remember, gals: don’t give up after one set.
Hell, maybe she just realized this “getting naked” shit was not for her.
I suppose you never know till you try.
But don’t give up on account of not going Pink immediately.
Also worth mentioning is @liminal in Lightblooms .
It appears to have been her last (?) Hopeful set.
But at least she wasn’t a “one-and-done” Hopeful.
This gal definitely had a cute ass.
Check it out!
Also moving the needle was @glitz with Time in Mind .
This gal has AMAZING breasts (and poppin’ ink)!
It is a very fucking good set.
Check it out.
And remember: you can tip her (although she doesn’t seem to have made a new set the past 10 years).
Ok, let’s kick it up a notch, shall we?
Meet a one-and-done wonder named @littlemermaid .
She turned in a stellar set called Inviting Eyes .
Those are some NICE fuckin’ titties!!
It’s a shame she didn’t give the whole SG thing another smack.
But we have nought save her lone Hopeful try.
And I’m not about to overlook @zippo in Animal Instincts .
This was her penultimate set.
And it was quite good.
There’s some extraordinary poses in there.
A nice rib cage.
And a poetic ass crack.
Also quite good was @savanah in Problem Child .
PLENTY of bangin’ ass in this one.
[perhaps I should have chosen my words more carefully there…]
Also, check out those American (?) thighs trussed up in white stockings.
Yeah, baby, YEAH.
Let’s not forget @galda in Roots .
VERY nice tits.
And very nice photography by @holley (I think).
We should also add to the commendations by extolling @isla in her penultimate (?) set Echoes .
This one is VERY artful.
And what a nice little bum she has!
We certainly shan’t forget @thanatogenous in Wide Eyed .
This set was a big hit (and deservedly-so!).
It got almost 3000 likes.
The salient details to me are her delicately-colored pink nipples and her tit tattoo (a lotus covering her left areola).
What a beauty!
But let’s see better, shall we not?
Better was @fabienne in The Time Machine .
People come to SG because we think that girls with awesome tattoos must certainly also have AWESOME MINDS.
Sadly, that is not always the case.
We come here for substance.
And this Hopeful, Fabienne, provided it.
It’s as if it were shot on some old UFA set in Hansa.
We expect Fritz Lang to step into frame at any second.
He gets 24 chances with each tick.
And if HE doesn’t, then the spirit of Metropolis certainly does.
The Time Machine indeed!
On a simply carnal level, bitch had great legs!!
And dig those red stockings.
Next we turn to @chunni in Allah Void .
There is no god but Allah.
[I’ll avoid the next part for the time being]
This gal has WORLD-CLASS gams.
And dig the Clockwork Orange vibe.
Pretty extraordinary photography by @alissa .
Ok, let’s get @creepy with Hazzard County (also shot by Alissa).
Creepy has positively POETIC areolæ.
Daisy Duke would be proud!
[and Boss Hog would be sweating like a stuck pig]
I’m not against being gone, it’s just @antigone in the wonderful Stark .
Cute breasts and very nice photography by @lorelei .
Ok, let’s step it up.
It’s @archie in Catnap Dreams .
This set has OODLES of creativity and is a fun FEAST for the eyes.
The color scheme is sophisticated.
It’s not a two-tone sleight of hand.
Nay, the visual psychology [film language] in this one is quite advanced.
So much so that it makes me WONDER about the PERSONALITY of the model [see how that works?].
Not just a pretty face.
A set like this is enough to make a man (or woman) fall in love.
At least it’s enough for me to click on that little pink bar-chart “bio” button.
Oh, hey: look!
She has a website.
Wanna make money, gals???
Don’t be boring.
Be like Archie.
Give a fuck.
Use your brain.
Put your heart and soul into it.
Make it MORE than pin-up photography.
Also operating on this high level was @janette in Floating .
This fucking WORK OF ART was shot by the very-talented @albertine .
This set IMMERSES us in its sensuality.
It is poetic, yes.
But it is more than that.
We can feel the yellow chrysanthemums.
The warm bath water.
And the coup de grâce is the smeared mascara in the final frames.
So fucking good!!
Yet another great set was the one made by @alsana .
I speak, of course, about her swan song (?) Dads Boots .
GREAT boobs.
I don’t care if they’re real or not.
Awesome set!!
And please say “hello” to @madeleine in her swan song (?) Ani Yunwitsandsdi .
Thing I love about this one are those eagles climbing up the backs of her legs (and that naughty skywriting where the seam of stockings might be found).
Also, great fucking ass!
Then we finally get to a perfect set.
Three weeks into the month.
‘Bout fucking time.
It’s @missdenim in what is probably her last Hopeful attempt Golden Afternoon .
Why perfect?
Natural talent.
Probably now unavailable (14 years later).
AND, you can’t tip that one.
Because she wasn’t “chosen”.
Chosen by whom?
On what criteria??
Next we have @lainee with her swan song (?) X’s and O’s .
On second look, I’m upgrading this set from merely good to PERFECT.
[and tipping it]
I stand corrected.
Not all of the perfect sets this month were made by Hopefuls.
Lainee smacked the shit outta this set.
That’s a fucking HEAVENLY rack.
I wish there were more close-ups (woulda had my vote before this late hour), but it’s still a perfect set.
Ok, wow.
That one is REALLY worth seeing.
I’m sweating up in here.
Lainee got me all bot and hothered.
Next we move to the fine work of @masheti .
Those who are unfamiliar with what a machete is need only walk the streets of downtown Austin, Texas for a few minutes to become familiar with said implement.
[but that’s neither here nor there]
Masheti [sic] really shines in her lone Hopeful Set Naughty Secretary… .
Big, FAT titties.
Just the way I like ‘em.
Alright, no more fucking around.
It’s @bully with Midnight Dip .
Amazing tits.
Amazing ass.
A little boring on the photography.
Great job!!
Also great (seriously) was @toribell in her penultimate (?) set Awake .
Very, VERY nice breasts!!
Nice use of pearls (BITE me!).
Gal is super-fit too.
Gotta keep that core in shape.
And she did.
Ok, two perfect sets in a row.
First, it’s @mailin who cast a vote for herself in her only Hopeful set [why???] Love Sucks .
This girl has it all.
Looks like Thora Birch circa Ghost World.
But with that black lingerie look from American Beauty .
This gal even has a great schnoz.
A perfect woman 100%!!!
Next we encounter perfection with @sweetie in To Do .
I stand corrected again.
Here was a SUICIDE GIRL who was not letting her side down.
All-world rack!!!
Perfect set.
Hard to follow that stuff, but @azyle did quite well in her debut Curtains Up .
Five from the end is the money shot for me.
Big, plump ass.
Atop thick legs in stockings so tight they’re about to explode.
Good shit!
Also good was @lainey in Coming Clean .
Yeah, it’s been done before.
And it’ll be done again.
The whole “boobs pushed against shower door” thing.
But she does it well.
Good job!
Also a big pat on the back to @paula for Natural Beauty .
And some awesome ink on those buns!
Ok, we end with TWO MORE perfect sets.
First is @leto in her only Hopeful set [for FUCK’s sake!!!] California Dreaming .
MASSIVE mammaries!!!
Perfect set.
Sure, the photography is mundane.
That’s ok.
…when you got jugs like that!
And finally, we close on a high note with @radeo in Sweet Disposition .
It’s ANOTHER Suicide Girl making a perfect set.
Well, I guess never mind that initial diatribe.
It just SEEMED like the Hopefuls were doing the best work.
But I know how to admit when I’m wrong.
Radeo is no Hopeful.
And this set POPS with vibrant color.
The color palette is not wild or adventurous.
But that’s alright.
Notice the way her hair flips up three shots from the end.
[a very important detail]
And dig the white barrette in her jet-black hair.
This set uses a somewhat subtle psychological device we might call “throwback”.
It’s hot like Laura Linney was hot in The Truman Show.
But hotter!!
Notice also that Radeo had leopard-skin (?) panties TATTOOED onto her ass!
I ain’t never seen that before.
But what makes this a perfect set, really?
It’s the combination of a supremely-talented model and a masterful photographer (@zoetica ).
As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his 1841 essay Self-Reliance:
Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day.
—Pauly Deathwish