What is it do i stink? or come off as a pervert or something...I have been trying to request some new friends on here, so me and my wife look at peoples profiles, when we see on we like we will request them. Here lately every time we go to request them they have me blocked to ignore this member....what did i do to them, dont get me wrong the friends i have are awesome some of them are very close and dear to me..i would give them the shirt off my back to help them...my hopeful friends that talk to me get a comment every day...But why have i been marked on this site...If anyone knows something i don't please tell me why, so i know to correct it...well getting ready to call it the day, so to all my friends have a good one and i will talk to ya later. Your friend Bobby

You do the same man 

alot of us girls have some pics on here that we have blocked to only friends, and sometimes put journals to only friends because they are more private. So that could be one reason people say no when you request there friendship. you should just start by commenting in people's journals and go with that for awhile, until the person starts to feel like they know you. then they can decide if they want to make you a friend on here or not..