HEY HEY!! Its the end of the month, and the eve of friday, perhaps the greatest eve of the week! I love thursday because all day you are cheery thinking "YAY! tomorrow is friday!" its better than friday, because work fridays drag on and on and on and you just CBF doing a thing...
ANYHOO! I am bottling my apple cider this weekend, I'll let you in on a secret, its made of PEAR juice, cherry brandy essence and apples!! AND its 8% alcohol!! Its freakin awesome, tastes like apple pie champagne!! AND I GOT 30 BOTTLES OF IT!!! YEAH!!
okay, so heres the trick.
step 1: 1 apple cider brewing kit into 2.5 Litres of pear juice, 20.5 litres of water
step 2: ferment for 7 days
step 3: add 100mls of cherry brandy essence at 7 days of fermenting
step 4: add ANOTHER 100mls 2-4 days before bottling
step 5: when bottling, only add half the sugar than normal, so 5gms per 750ml long neck
step 6: age for 5-8 weeks before drinking!!
I hope it works! I'm only at stage 5, still gotta taste the finished product, but it tastes great out of the vat!!
Thats about the most exciting news for the month, easter holidays rocked, got really drunk a lot, some new folks started at work, bla bla bla, turns out I'm asexual, all of a sudden the last 10 years of my life make sense. Freakin awesome!! Now I dont have t feel embarrassed when I go out that I dont want to pick up or turning down EVERYONE that hits on me!!
WEEEE! What a month, I hope you're all having a lovely day, and have a great weekend
luv bob
ANYHOO! I am bottling my apple cider this weekend, I'll let you in on a secret, its made of PEAR juice, cherry brandy essence and apples!! AND its 8% alcohol!! Its freakin awesome, tastes like apple pie champagne!! AND I GOT 30 BOTTLES OF IT!!! YEAH!!
okay, so heres the trick.
step 1: 1 apple cider brewing kit into 2.5 Litres of pear juice, 20.5 litres of water
step 2: ferment for 7 days
step 3: add 100mls of cherry brandy essence at 7 days of fermenting
step 4: add ANOTHER 100mls 2-4 days before bottling
step 5: when bottling, only add half the sugar than normal, so 5gms per 750ml long neck
step 6: age for 5-8 weeks before drinking!!
I hope it works! I'm only at stage 5, still gotta taste the finished product, but it tastes great out of the vat!!
Thats about the most exciting news for the month, easter holidays rocked, got really drunk a lot, some new folks started at work, bla bla bla, turns out I'm asexual, all of a sudden the last 10 years of my life make sense. Freakin awesome!! Now I dont have t feel embarrassed when I go out that I dont want to pick up or turning down EVERYONE that hits on me!!
WEEEE! What a month, I hope you're all having a lovely day, and have a great weekend
luv bob