This weekend kicked some major ass, but also kinda sucked. First up, friday, the great recession hits us at the depot, no promotions for anyone for an indefinate amount of time, effectively keeping us doing higher duty work for minimal pay with not a damn thing we can do about it. MEANWHILE the role I was promised is given to someone else who's leaving in 3 months anyway!!! AAARGH!
But I'll live, at least I still HAVE a job, and that is a blessing.
Friday: caught up with an old friend, got a rockin pizza and drank some beers. All in all, quite a nice night.
Saturday: Found 2001: A Space Odysey soundtrack on vinyl for 8 dollars. WIN!! Scored some Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle!! (we dont have it very often in Australia and its a fuckin miracle every time I find one) Headed on down to the tattoo parlour for my Aqua Teen Hunger Force tattoo. WIN!!
Saturday night: ROLLER DERBY!!!!! First bout of the season, the team I support, the Dead Ringer Rosies, didnt win, but then agan they always win, so I guess the Toxic Avengers needed the boost for their own morale really. AWESOME match though. And the rains held off for us too!!
Saturday night part 2: Got on a tram to head to a funk and soul bar, EVERYONE DRUNK ON TRAM!! Probably about 20-40 people on the tram aged 18-25 just yelling and having fun. Was amazing. Then the bar itself I crashed, the adrenalin was all used up and I felt sick and acidy. But a good little joint none the less. Should go again on a more healthy occasion.
Sunday: Daylight savings apparently kicked in over night, so I awoke to mass confusion of the TV schedule. but at least it feels like I get to sleep in tomorrow a bit for work
And that was my weekend!! I hope you cats had as much fun without the financial aspect and horrid realization that a shitty company is giving you know choice but to do what you're told because the rich scottish dude up top wants another christmas bonus.
luv Bob
This weekend kicked some major ass, but also kinda sucked. First up, friday, the great recession hits us at the depot, no promotions for anyone for an indefinate amount of time, effectively keeping us doing higher duty work for minimal pay with not a damn thing we can do about it. MEANWHILE the role I was promised is given to someone else who's leaving in 3 months anyway!!! AAARGH!
But I'll live, at least I still HAVE a job, and that is a blessing.
Friday: caught up with an old friend, got a rockin pizza and drank some beers. All in all, quite a nice night.
Saturday: Found 2001: A Space Odysey soundtrack on vinyl for 8 dollars. WIN!! Scored some Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle!! (we dont have it very often in Australia and its a fuckin miracle every time I find one) Headed on down to the tattoo parlour for my Aqua Teen Hunger Force tattoo. WIN!!
Saturday night: ROLLER DERBY!!!!! First bout of the season, the team I support, the Dead Ringer Rosies, didnt win, but then agan they always win, so I guess the Toxic Avengers needed the boost for their own morale really. AWESOME match though. And the rains held off for us too!!
Saturday night part 2: Got on a tram to head to a funk and soul bar, EVERYONE DRUNK ON TRAM!! Probably about 20-40 people on the tram aged 18-25 just yelling and having fun. Was amazing. Then the bar itself I crashed, the adrenalin was all used up and I felt sick and acidy. But a good little joint none the less. Should go again on a more healthy occasion.
Sunday: Daylight savings apparently kicked in over night, so I awoke to mass confusion of the TV schedule. but at least it feels like I get to sleep in tomorrow a bit for work

And that was my weekend!! I hope you cats had as much fun without the financial aspect and horrid realization that a shitty company is giving you know choice but to do what you're told because the rich scottish dude up top wants another christmas bonus.
luv Bob