@godiva tagged me in this and I’ll happily oblige. When it comes to candy sweet, if we’re talking beer I love sours. I don’t know any tricks but I love getting a treat. I’ll go with witches over vampires because you can have good witches but it always seems vampires are bad. Definitely caramel apples, never seen anyone finish a candy apple because the hard shell all stuck in your teeth, sticky covered face and a stomachache from it. Costume party over the haunted house, I’m here for a good time not to be caught on camera screaming like an 8 year old girl. Movies over stories unless we’ve got some world class orator telling us this story like James Earl Jones. I’d rather fight and kill aliens than be a ghostbuster, creepy ass dead people. I’ve never bobbed for apples so I want to try that to see if I can do it. Abandoned house because I’m a nosy fucker, I want to check it out. And finally chocolate or gummies….both together, if you haven’t had the Japanese choco-gummy candies you are missing out.