it's october already this year is going by so fast. the weather starting to get cooler here. the change in weather always gets me in a wierd mood. it's good skating weather though.
hoodie weather!!! my favorite smile
i got some cds in the mail today. i sent of for them about a week ago. the lead singer is Sawa (suicide girl). the band is Watch Me Burn. watch her video clip, the track they use is on one of the cds i got. one cd is a full lenght cd with 15 tracks. the other is a sampler with 4 tracks ....
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hey smile thanks for the add! smile
i agree.

thanks so much for the comment.
everyone has been so sweet.
i talked to my boss last night about trying to get my hours changed. so i'll be working 4 days on and have 3 days off. i would have to work 4 ten hour shifts to get my 40 hours a week but it will be worth it to having 3 days off.
What a hard way to go... working the late shift for six years! I don't think I could have lasted one. shocked I mean I worked 2nd shift starting out at my job now, but when new positions open up in the plant we're able to put in a bid on the new job. All different positions... it's a good system, I just hope they don't fuck it up. Right now my line is about to go out and things are about to change. Probably won't lose my job, just my current pay. And I'll have to be moved around frown So, where did you come across me? I'm still getting used to all the features of this site but even with all the turmoil going on right now It's been pretty awsome so far. Oh, and before I go why no pics of yourself?
3 days off, nice. I'm not sure if I could swing 10 hour shifts though.
i finally got my sg stickers in today. now i'm about to spread the word or die trying
Just how in the world did a guy from MO, find a girl like me on SG?? Oh and not to be snoopy what made you just now start writing in your journal?? I love to have friends, but I'm just to shy to add them on the first post. Is it too wierd to get to know each other first?

Damn I knew I shouldn't reply to my journal this late at night and after a few beers... I must sound crazy! eeek
i was hoping to meet new people from differant places, cause the peoplr here are so close minded it sucks. i never did like going with the crowd. thats why i really like this site.
i've been so bored today. it was so hot and nothing to do. i thought about going and getting a tattoo today but i'm going to wait until my day off, if i still have enough money. do i really need cable anyway. i was wanting my last name down my back. it will be my first tattoo. i'm still bored, i'm looking foward to...
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does any one else out there work for walmart? if so does the walmart you work for suck as bad as the one i work for.
walmart sucks period... shocked
i agree but its paying the bills right now
i just got the sg dvd today. it's the best thing i ever seen. everybody needs to buy a copy.
I still haven't gotten a chance to view the one in my possession, but I will soon!
let me know what u think of it tegan and reagans parts are really good